Case studies




Beirut case study

Mount Lycabettus Beirut is a densely populated urban area experiencing acute water deficit leading to intermittent supply in most areas, and a lack of piped water supply to a large number of poor areas. In response to the shortage or absence of a public piped-water supply, consumers resort to pumping water from private wells, which increases salt-water intrusion, and/or purchasing water from small-scale private water providers, more commonly known as water vendors who operate without proper regulation particularly in poorer areas. In both cases, water supplies are often contaminated resulting in serious adverse health impacts. Climate change is likely to further exacerbate this situation.


Beirut information sheets:

Beirut case-study indicators


Leading team

This research is coordinated by Mutasem El-Fadel, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.