Integrating case-studies web portal
Climate impacts, adaptation and mitigation in the Mediterranean
This web portal is primarily aimed at the provision of data and information for CIRCE partners and stakeholders. The portal has a hierarchical and branching tree structure with multiple entry points. Information available will be updated regularly as results emerge from the project.
What is available:
- Key information for each of the eleven case studies
- Objectives and the conceptual framework
- Environmental and vulnerability indicators
- Climate projections
- Adaptation options
- Stakeholder information
Ways of accessing information:
Information held on the web portal can be accessed through two main routes:
- Horizontal menu bar - Key thematic areas: framework, indicators, projections, adaptation, stakeholders.
- Side menu bar - Eleven Mediterranean case studies organised into three generic categories: urban, rural, coastal.
Case-study objectives:
- To integrate state-of-the-art climate and impacts modelling studies focused on the Mediterranean
- To use a rigorous common framework, including a set of quantitative environmental, vulnerability and sustainability indictors developed specifically for the Mediterranean environment
- To use a risk-based bottom-up, iterative approach (based on regional stakeholder workshops), as well as a top-down approach, to identify and explore potential adaptation and mitigation measures
- To consider North African (Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt), Middle Eastern (Israel, Lebanon, Syria) and European (Spain, Italy, Greece) locations.
The CIRCE project (Contract No 036961 GOCE) is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme as a four-year integrated project from 2007-2011, priority "Global Change and Ecocystems".
This research line is coordinated by Clare Goodess, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, UK, and by Christos Giannakopoulos, National Observatory of Athens, Greece. Other participants include the Met Office, WESS/SETS, CEDARE, CNR-IBIMET, UNILE, HUJI, ICARDA, LIM/UPC, ARCE, and INSTM.