Climatic Research Unit : Research and Projects


Statistical and Regional dynamical Downscaling of Extremes for European regions

A research project supported by
the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme
and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action
"Global change, climate and biodiversity"
within the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development.

Contract no: EVK2-CT-2001-00115

February 2002 to July 2005

Co-ordinated by Dr Clare Goodess, Climatic Research Unit

STARDEX will provide a rigorous and systematic inter-comparison and evaluation of statistical, dynamical and statistical-dynamical downscaling methods for the construction of scenarios of extremes. The more robust techniques will be identified and used to produce future scenarios of extremes for European case-study regions for the end of the 21st century. These will help to address the vital question as to whether extremes will occur more frequently in the future.

STARDEX is part of a co-operative cluster of projects exploring future changes in extreme events in response to global warming. The other members of the cluster are MICE and PRUDENCE. This research is highly relevant to current climate related problems in Europe.

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Final Report

The STARDEX final report is now available. Adobe Portable Document Format file
This is the best introduction to STARDEX, providing a summary of aims, methodologies and key results.

Final Management Report

The STARDEX final management report is now available. Adobe Portable Document Format file

There is an archive of old news items.


Information Sheets

STARDEX Diagnostic Extremes Indices Software

Version 3.3.1 updated 2nd June 2004. See documentation for version history.
This software calculates 57 annual and seasonal extremes indices (such as percentiles, growing season length and wet/dry day duration) from daily temperature and precipitation time series. It is provided free of use. The two software elements (a Fortran subroutine that calculates all the indices for a single location and a Fortran program that uses this subroutine to process station data in a standard input format) are accompanied by a user information document.

Data Products



Overview Presentations

Dataset links

The following data sets are available from other organisations and projects and are likely to be of use to STARDEX participants. In some cases, registration may be needed before a data set can be downloaded or used and restrictions of use may apply. STARDEX participants should quote the project name/funding body/contract number where appropriate. Data sets which are restricted to the STARDEX consortium are available from the internal pages.

The following datasets are provided from the STARDEX data repository:

Other links

Last updated: November 2005, Malcolm Haylock

Disclaimer: this website does not represent the opinion of the European Community,
nor is the Community responsible for any use that might be made of the data appearing herein