This page provides direct links to outputs from the ENSEMBLES, PRUDENCE and DEMETER regional climate model (RCM) simulations.
These anthropogenic climate-change simulations consist of ENSEMBLES reanalysis (from RT3) and scenario (from RT2B) runs and are archived at DMI. Monthly outputs for these runs (and the PRUDENCE runs) are also available in Climate Explorer. The RT3 ERA40@50 and ERA40@25 RCM European simulations are forced by ERA-40 reanalysis data and have grid resolutions of 50 and 25 km respectively. The RT2B RCM simulations use the same model versions, common domain and grids as the ERA40@25 simulations. They are run for 1950-2050 or 1950-2100 using boundary conditions taken from the ENSEMBLES stream 1 ACC GCM simulations focusing on the SRES A1B scenario.
Links to DMI data archives |
Access to RCM runs |
Progress Table |
Overview of ENSEMBLES RT2B and RT3 European and West African RCM experiments, including status of runs and archiving. |
See ENSEMBLES data policy |
Variables list: excel, word |
List of outputs centrally archived from the RT2B and RT3 simulations, including details of fields, file names etc. |
Further information about the ENSEMBLES RCM runs is provided in these deliverable reports.
Links to RT3 reports on reanalysis runs |
Access |
D3.2.2 |
RCM-specific weights based on their ability to simulate the present
climate, calibrated for the ERA40-based simulations. |
ENSEMBLES partners |
D3.1.3. |
First examples of ERA40 hind-cast simulations at 50km resolution |
ENSEMBLES partners |
D3.2.1 |
Definition of measures of reliability based on ability to simulate observed climate in hind-cast mode |
ENSEMBLES partners |
D3.2.2 |
RCM-specific weights based on their ability to simulate the present climate, calibrated for the ERA40-based simulations |
ENSEMBLES partners |
D3.3.1 |
Evaluated RCM-system for use in RT2B (choice of RCM-GCM combinations and preliminary RCM weights) |
ENSEMBLES partners |
D3.3.2 |
Final version RCM-system for use in RT2B based on RCM-specific weights from WP3.2 |
ENSEMBLES partners |
Links to RT2B reports on scenarios runs |
Access |
DB2.1 |
Experimental plan for the 25 km RCM ensemble simulations to be carried out in WP2B.1, including the forcing fields that will be used (and how these will be obtained) and a timetable for completion of the simulations.
Public |
DB2.2 |
Technical specification for the WP2B.2 and WP2B.3 work on the development and application of new methods for the construction of probabilistic regional climate scenarios.
Public |
D2B.3 |
Central server hosting RCM output data from the ENSEMBLES simulations and protocols for preparation of the data to be hosted.
Public |
D2B.9 |
Report on the RCA3 dynamical downscaling of an ECHAM5 A1B or A2 GCM simulation for the period 1950-2050 and evaluation of regional climate model simulations with HOAPS satellite data.
Public |
D2B.21 |
Description of the 'quick-look' analysis procedure for the RCM scenario simulations.
Public |
D2B.24 |
Results of the 'quick-look' analysis of the RCM simulations.
Public |
D2B.28 |
Journal paper on the assessment of changes in regional weather and climate in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Public |
Additional validation and projection maps for the European RCM runs are available here.
Links to RT3 reports on West African runs |
Access to RCM runs |
D3.5.1 |
Report on RCM evaluation for the AMMA region. |
Public |
Additional validation and projection maps for the West African RCM runs are available here.
PRUDENCE RCM simulations are also archived at DMI. A PRUDENCE special issue of Climatic Change was published in May 2007. See also the list of publications on the PRUDENCE web site.
Links to DMI data archives |
Access to RCM runs |
Models |
Short descriptions of the models involved in PRUDENCE: ARPEGE; CHRM; HadRM; HIRHAM; REMO; ICTP-RegCM; PROMES; CLM; RACMO; RCAO; MRI-20km-AGCM. |
Mostly public access from PRUDENCE data distribution page |
Data Tables:
overview table compact table |
Overview of PRUDENCE experiments and archiving. |
These runs are archived at ECMWF in MARS. This system is not public, but asking ECMWF for an account is straightforward.
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