UEA ENV Climatic Research Unit Climate Data

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Circulation indices and station pressure data

Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) (Phil Jones/Tim Osborn) Frequently updated

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index (Phil Jones/Tim Osborn) Frequently updated

NAO index modifications by Vinther et al. (2003) (Phil Jones)

NAO reconstruction by Luterbacher et al. (2001) (Phil Jones)

Paris-London Westerly Index by Cornes et al. (2013) (Tim Osborn)

Mediterranean Oscillation Index (MOI) & Western MOI (WeMOi) (Ian Harris) Occasionally updated

Saharan Oscillation Index (SaOI) (Kenza Khomsi, external) Updated September 2023

North Sea Caspian Pattern (NCP) index (Andrew Harding)

Trans Polar Index (TPI) (Phil Jones)

Madras monthly mean sea level pressure (Phil Jones)

Nagasaki monthly mean sea level pressure and temperature (Phil Jones)

Gridded pressure datasets

NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (Ian Harris) Updated September 2023

Northern Hemisphere gridded mean sea level pressure (MSLP) (Phil Jones)

The various datasets on the CRU website are provided for all to use, provided the sources are acknowledged.

Acknowledgement should preferably be by citing one or more of the papers referenced on the appropriate page. Some datasets are also disseminated via disciplinary data repositories (if indicated on the individual data page), which can provide persistent links or doi's to a particular dataset. The website can also be acknowledged if deemed necessary, though note that the URLs may sometimes be changed. We endeavour to update many of the data pages at timely intervals although this cannot be guaranteed by specific dates.

Datasets are managed by a variety of people and projects within CRU. Some are available online, others must be requested from the person responsible for them.

Files ending in ".gz" can be decompressed using gzip (most platforms), WinZip (Windows) or the in-built capability of many operating systems.


These datasets are made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the datasets are licensed under the Database Contents License under the conditions of Attribution and Share-Alike.

Please use the attribution Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia

Updated: September 2023, Ian Harris