I teach on a number of the School of Environmental Science's modules, at both
undergraduate and MSc level, and I also convene/organise some modules.
My lecture notes and powerpoint presentations are made available via the UEA Portal / Blackboard
site. All students registered for these modules should have access to the relevant Blackboard
module pages.
ENV-7014A: Climate change - physical science basis (Masters-level)
- My contribution:
- I organise this module and I also teach a number of
lectures on topics such as the climate system, greenhouse effect, causes of climate change, palaeoclimate reconstructions,
and policy-relevant climate projections.
- Module website (for schedule, coursework, etc.):
ENV-6025B: Climate systems (undergraduate, 300-level)
- I lecturer and lead practical classes on this module.
Previous contributions
- ENV-1A01: Introduction to environmental sciences (undergraduate, 100-level) (lecturer)
- ENV-1A03: Introduction to environmental sciences lectures (undergraduate, 100-level) (lecturer)
- ENV-1A11: Introduction to geophysical science (undergraduate, 100-level) (lecturer)
- ENV-1A19: Introduction to environmental sciences for international development (undergraduate, 100-level) (lecturer)
- ENV-1A29: Global Environmental Challenges (undergraduate, 100-level) (lecturer)
- ENV-3A06: Climatic Change (undergraduate, 300-level) (lecturer and co-organiser)
- ENV-3A48: Climatic Change Reconstructions and Projections (undergraduate, 300-level) (lecturer and co-organiser)
- ENV-3A49: Climate change - physical science basis (undergraduate, 300-level) (organiser and lecturer)
- ENV-3A91: Independent Project (undergraduate, 300-level) (organiser 2011-2014)
- ENV-M535: The Science of Climate Change (MSc-level) (organiser and lecturer)
- ENV-MA49: Climate change - physical science basis (Masters-level) (organiser and lecturer)
- ENV-MA51: Climate change - physical science basis (Masters-level) (organiser and lecturer)