Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2024)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index
[in "State of the Climate in 2023"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society105, S70–S71
Jones PD and Osborn TJ (2024)
Climate record: surface temperature trends.
In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier
Seager R, Wu Y, Cherchi A, Simpson IR, Osborn TJ, Kushnir Y, Lukovic J, Liu H and Nakamura J (2024)
Recent and near-term future changes in impacts-relevant seasonal hydroclimate in the world's Mediterranean climate regions.
International Journal of Climatology44, 3792-3820
Wallis E, Osborn TJ, Taylor M, Jones P, Joshi M and Hawkins E (2024)
Quantifying exposure biases in early instrumental land surface air temperature observations.
International Journal of Climatology44 1611-1635
Warren R, Price J, Forstenhäusler N, Andrews O, Brown S, Ebi K, Gernaat D, Goodwin P, Guan D, He Y, Manful D, Yin Z, Hu Y, Jenkins K, Jenkins R, Kennedy-Asser A, Osborn TJ, Van Vuuren D, Wallace C, Wang D, Wright R
Risks associated with global warming of 1.5 to 4°C above pre-industrial levels in human and natural systems in six countries.
Climatic Change177, 48
Wilson Kemsley S, Osborn TJ, Dorling S, Wallace C (2024)
Pattern scaling the parameters of a Markov-chain gamma-distribution daily precipitation generator.
International Journal of Climatology44, 144-159
Peaple MD, Skinner DT, Inglis GN, Joshi MM, Langdon PG, Matthews A, Osborn TJ, Scaife R, Meyer J-Y and Sear DA (submitted)
Cooler and drier climate in the South Central Pacific during the last glacial period.
Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Qin C, Yang B, Bräuning A, Ljungqvist FC, Osborn TJ, Shishov V, He M, Kang S, Schneider L, Esper J, Büntgen U, Griessinger J, Huang D, Zhang P, Talento S, Xoplaki E, Luterbacher J, Chr. Stenseth N (submitted)
Persistent humid climate favored the Qin and Western Han Dynasties in China around 2200 years ago.
Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Reyniers N, Zha Q, Addor N, Osborn TJ, Forstenhäusler N and He Y (submitted)
Two sets of bias-corrected regional UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) of temperature, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration for Great Britain.
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.
[preprint under review].
Zha Q, He Y and Osborn TJ (submitted)
Evaluation of a gridded hourly hydrological model for England, UK.
Submitted to Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.
Archer E, Baker-Austin C, Osborn TJ, Jones N, Martinez-Urtaza J, Trinanes JA, Oliver JD, Colon Gonzalez FDJ, Lake I
Climate warming and increasing Vibrio vulnificus infections in North America.
Scientific Reports13, 3893
Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2023)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index
[in "State of the Climate in 2022"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society104, S66-S67
Ivanov G, Osborn TJ, Taylor M, Davies TD, Pomeroy J, Waters A (2023)
Visual Earth: a climate mural for our times.
One Earth6, 1628-1630
Reyniers N, Osborn TJ, Addor N, Darch G (2023)
Projected changes in droughts and extreme droughts in Great Britain strongly influenced by the choice of drought index.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences27, 1151-1171
Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2022)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index
[in "State of the Climate in 2021" eds. Dunn RJH, Aldred F, Gobron N, Miller JB & Willett KM].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society103, S66-S67
Hantemirov RM, Corona C, Guillet S, Shiyatov SG, Stoffel M, Osborn TJ, Melvin T, Gorlanova L, Kukarskih V, Surkov A, von Arx G & Fonti P (2022)
Current Siberian heating is unprecedented during the past seven millennia.
Nature Communications, 13, 4968
He Y, Manful D, Warren, R, Forstenhäusler N, Osborn TJ, Price J, Jenkins R, Wallace C and Yamaki D (2022)
Quantification of impacts between 1.5°C and 4°C of global warming on flooding risks in six countries.
Climatic Change170, 15
Price J, Warren R, Forstenhäusler N, Wallace C, Jenkins R, Osborn TJ, Van Vuuren, DP
Quantification of meteorological drought risks between 1.5°C and 4°C of global warming in six countries.
Climatic Change174, 12
Warren R, Andrews, O, Brown S, Colón-González FJ, Forstenhäusler N, Gernaat DEHJ, Goodwin P, Harris I, He Y, Hope C, Manful D, Osborn TJ, Price J, Van Vuuren, DP, Wright RM (2022)
Quantifying risks avoided by limiting global warming to 1.5 or 2 °C above pre-industrial levels.
Climatic Change, 172, 39
Yang B, Qin C, Bräuning A, Osborn TJ, Trouet V, Ljungqvist FC, Esper J, Schneider L, Grießinger J, Büntgen U, Rossi S, Dong G, Yan M, Ning L, Wang J, Wang X, Fan B, Wang S, Luterbacher J, Cook ER, Chr. Stenseth N (2022)
Reply to Weiss: Tree-ring stable oxygen isotopes suggest an increase in Asian monsoon rainfall at 4.2 ka BP.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2204067119
Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2021)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index
[in "State of the Climate in 2020" eds. Dunn RJH, Aldred F, Gobron N, Miller JB & Willett KM].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society102, S68-S70
Morice CP, Kennedy JJ, Rayner NA, Winn JP, Hogan E, Killick RE, Dunn RJH, Osborn TJ, Jones PD and Simpson IR (2021)
An updated assessment of near-surface temperature change from 1850: the HadCRUT5 dataset.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2019JD032361
Osborn TJ, Jones PD, Lister DH, Morice CP, Simpson IR, Winn J, Hogan E and Harris IC (2021)
Land surface air temperature variations across the globe updated to 2019: the CRUTEM5 dataset.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2019JD032352
Ratna SB, Cherchi A, Osborn TJ, Joshi M and Uppara U (2021)
The extreme positive Indian Ocean Dipole of 2019 and associated Indian summer monsoon rainfall response.
Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091497
Wilson Kemsley S, Osborn TJ, Dorling S, Wallace C, Parker J (2021)
Selecting Markov chain orders for generating daily precipitation series across different Köppen climate regimes.
International Journal of Climatology
Yang B, Qin C, Bräuning A, Osborn TJ, Trouet V, Ljungqvist FC, Esper J, Schneider L, Grießinger J, Büntgen U, Rossi S, Dong G, Yan M, Ning L, Wang J, Wang X, Wang S, Luterbacher J, Cook ER, Chr. Stenseth N (2021)
Long-term decrease in Asian monsoon rainfall and abrupt climate change events over the past 6,700 years.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2102007118
Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2020)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index [in "State of the Climate in 2019"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society101, S59-S60
Harris I, Osborn TJ, Jones P and Lister D (2020)
Version 4 of the CRU TS Monthly High-Resolution Gridded Multivariate Climate Dataset.
Scientific Data7, 19
Ratna SB, Osborn TJ, Joshi M and Luterbacher J (2020)
The influence of Atlantic variability on Asian summer climate is sensitive to the pattern of sea surface temperature anomaly.
Journal of Climate33, 7567-7590
Seager R, Liu H, Kushnir Y, Osborn TJ, Simpson IR, Kelley CR and Nakamura J (2020)
Mechanisms of winter precipitation variability in the European-Mediterranean region associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation.
Journal of Climate33, 7179-7196
Talento S, Osborn TJ, Joshi M, Ratna S and Luterbacher J (2020)
Response of the Asian Summer Monsoons to a high-latitude thermal forcing: mechanisms and nonlinearities.
Climate Dynamics54, 3927-3944
Arnell NW, Lowe JA, Bernie D, Nicholls RJ, Brown S, Challinor AJ and Osborn TJ (2019)
The global and regional impacts of climate change under Representative Concentration Pathways forcings
and Shared Socioeconomic Pathway socioeconomic scenarios.
Environmental Research Letters14, 084046.
Arnell NW, Lowe JA, Challinor AJ and Osborn TJ (2019)
Global and regional impacts of climate change at different levels of global temperature increase.
Climatic Change155, 377-391
Barichivich J, Osborn TJ, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2019)
Drought [in "State of the Climate in 2018"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society100, S39-S40
Kajtar JB, Collins M, Frankcombe LM, England MH, Osborn TJ and Juniper M (2019)
Global mean surface temperature response to large-scale patterns of variability in observations and CMIP5.
Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2232-2241
Meseguer-Ruiz O, Osborn TJ, Sarricolea P, Jones PD, Olcina Cantos J, Serrano-Notivoli R and Martin-Vide J
Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications.
Climate Dynamics52, 439-456
Ratna SB, Osborn TJ, Joshi M, Yang B and Wang J (2019)
Identifying teleconnections and multidecadal variability of East Asian surface temperature during the last millennium in CMIP5 simulations.
Climate of the Past15, 1825-1844
Schneider L, Ljungqvist FC, Yang B, Chen F, Chen J, Li J, Hao X, Ge Q, Talento S, Osborn TJ, and Luterbacher J
The impact of proxy selection strategies on a millennium-long ensemble of hydroclimatic records in Monsoon Asia.
Quaternary Science Reviews223 (
Seager R, Osborn TJ, Kushnir Y, Simpson IR, Nakamura J and Liu H (2019)
Climate variability and change of Mediterranean-type climates.
Journal of Climate, 32, 2887-2916
Warren RF, Edwards NR, Babonneau F, Bacon PM, Dietrich JP, Ford RW, Garthwaite P, Gerten D, Goswami, S, Haurie A, Hiscock K, Holden PB, Hyde MR, Joshi SR, Kanudia A, Labriet M, Leimbach M, Oyebamiji OK, Osborn TJ, Pizzileo B, Popp A, Price J, Riley G, Schaphoff S, Slavin P, Vielle M, and Wallace C (2019)
Producing Policy-relevant Science by Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for the
Assessment of Global Environmental Change.
Environmental Modelling and Software111, 248-258
Arnell NW, Lowe JA, Lloyd-Hughes B and Osborn TJ (2018)
The impacts avoided with a 1.5°C climate target: a global and regional assessment.
Climatic Change147, 61-76
Colon-Gonzalez FJ, Harris I, Osborn TJ, Bernado CSS, Peres CA, Hunter PR, Warren R, van Vuuren D and Lake IR (2018)
Limiting global-mean temperature increase to 1.5-2°C could reduce the incidence and spatial spread of dengue fever in Latin America.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115, 6243-6248
Hughes MK, Cook ER, Osborn TJ and Melvin TM (2018)
In Memoriam: Keith R. Briffa, 1952-2017.
Tree-Ring Research74, 132-133
Jones PD and Osborn TJ (2018)
Climate record: surface temperature trends.
In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (Elias SA et al., Eds.),
(available here).
Murphy C, Broderick C, Burt TP, Curley M, Duffy C, Hall J, Harrigan Shaun, Matthews TKR, Macdonald N, McCarthy G, McCarthy MP, Mullan D, Noone S, Osborn TJ, Ryan C, Sweeney J, Thorne PW, Walsh S and Wilby RL (2018)
A 305-year continuous monthly rainfall series for the Island of Ireland (1711-2016).
Climate of the Past, 14, 413-440
Osborn TJ, Barichivich J, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2018)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index [in "State of the Climate in 2017"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, S36-S37
(also available here)
Osborn TJ, Jones PD and Cook ER (2018)
In Memoriam: Keith R. Briffa, 1952-2017.
The Holocene, 28, 1549-1553
Osborn TJ, Wallace CJ, Lowe JA and Bernie D (2018)
Performance of pattern-scaled climate projections under high-end warming, part I:
surface air temperature over land.
Journal of Climate31, 5667-5680
Park C-E, Jeong S-J, Joshi M, Osborn TJ, Ho C-H, Piao S, Chen D, Liu J, Yang H, Park H, Kim B-K and Feng S (2018)
Keeping global warming within 1.5°C constrains emergence of aridification.
Nature Climate Change8, 70-74 (doi:10.1038/s41558-017-0034-4).
Participants of the 2017 UK Dendro Meeting (corresponding author Buntgen U) (2018)
The value of national dendro meetings. Dendrochronologia48, 30-31
Wang J, Yang B, Osborn TJ, Ljungqvist FC, Zhang H and Luterbacher J (2018)
Causes of East Asian temperature multidecadal variability since 850 CE.
Geophysical Research Letters45, 13485-13494
Warren R, Andrews, O, Brown S, Forstenhaeusler N, Gernaat DEHJ, Goodwin P, Harris I, He Y, Hope C, Colón-González FJ, Nicholls R, Osborn TJ, Price J, Van Vuuren, DP, Wright RM
Risks associated with global warming of 1.5°C or 2°C.
Tyndall Centre Briefing Note (available from Tyndall Centre, UEA, Norwich).
Anchukaitis K, Wilson R, Briffa KR, Büntgen U, Cook ER, D'Arrigo R, Davi N, Esper J, Frank D,
Gunnarson B, Hegerl G, Helema S, Klesse S, Krusic PJ, Linderholm HW, Myglan V,
Osborn TJ, Zhang P, Rydval M, Schneider L, Schurer A, Wiles G and Zorita E
Last millennium Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part II: spatially resolved reconstructions.
Quaternary Science Reviews163, 1-22 (doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.02.020).
Conway D, Dalin C, Landman W and Osborn TJ (2017)
Hydropower plans in eastern and southern Africa increase risk of concurrent electricity supply disruption.
Nature Energy2, 946-953
Hawkins E, Ortega P, Suckling E, Schurer A, Hegerl G, Jones P, Joshi M, Osborn TJ,
Masson-Delmotte V, Mignot J, Thorne P and van Oldenburgh GJ (2017)
Estimating changes in global temperature since the pre-industrial period.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
98, 1841-1856 (doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0007.1).
Osborn TJ, Barichivich J, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2017)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index [in "State of the Climate in 2016"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society98, S32-S33
(also available online here).
Osborn TJ, Jones PD and Joshi M (2017)
Recent United Kingdom and global temperature variations.
Weather72, 323-329
Wang J, Yang B, Ljungqvist FC, Luterbacher J, Osborn TJ, Briffa KR and Zorita E (2017)
Internal and external forcing of multidecadal Atlantic climate variability over the past 1,200 years.
Nature Geoscience10, 512-517 (doi:10.1038/ngeo2962).
Wilson C, Kriegler E, van Vuuren DP, Guivarch C, Frame D, Krey V, Osborn TJ, Schwanitz VJ and Thompson EL (2017)
Evaluating process-based Integrated Assessment Models of climate change mitigation.
IIASA Working PaperWP-17-007 (available from:
Xu G, Osborn TJ and Matthews AJ
Moisture transport by Atlantic tropical cyclones onto the North American continent.
Climate Dynamics, 48, 3161-3182 (doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3257-6).
Arnell NW, Brown S, Gosling SN, Hinkel J, Huntingford C, Lloyd-Hughes B,
Lowe JA, Osborn T, Nicholls RJ
and Zelazowski P (2016)
Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact.
Climatic Change134, 475-487
Arnell NW, Brown S, Gosling SN, Gottschalk P, Hinkel J, Huntingford C, Lloyd-Hughes B,
Lowe JA, Nicholls RJ, Osborn TJ, Osborne TM, Rose GA,
Smith P, Wheeler TR and Zelazowski P (2016)
The impacts of climate change across the globe: a multi-sectoral assessment.
Climatic Change134, 457-474
Arnell NW, Lowe JA, Warren RF, Bernie D, Brown S, Gambhir A, Hawkes E, Kebede AS, Lloyd-Hughes B,
Napp T, Osborn TJ and Price JT (2015)
The impacts of climate change avoided by future reductions in emissions as defined in the
Intended Nationally-Determined Contributions.
AVOID Report B2c to the DECC AVOID2 programme, 52pp
(available here:
Darch GJC, McSweeney RT, Kilsby CG, Jones PD,
Osborn TJ and Tomlinson JE (2016)
Analysing changes in short duration extreme rainfall events.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management169, 201-211
Osborn TJ, Barichivich J, Harris I, van der Schrier G and Jones PD (2016)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index [in "State of the Climate in 2015"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, S32-S36
(available here).
Osborn TJ, Wallace CJ, Harris IC and Melvin TM
Pattern scaling using ClimGen: monthly-resolution future climate scenarios including changes
in the variability of precipitation.
Climatic Change,
134, 353-369
Wilson R, Anchukaitis K, Briffa KR, Büntgen U, Cook E, D'Arrigo R, Davi N, Esper J, Frank D,
Gunnarson B, Hegerl G, Helema S, Klesse S, Krusic P, Linderholm HW, Myglan V,
Osborn TJ, Rydval M, Schneider L, Schurer A, Wiles G, Zhang P and Zorita E
Last millennium Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part I: the long term context.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 134, 1-18
Xu G, Osborn TJ, Matthews AJ and Joshi MM
Different atmospheric moisture divergence responses to extreme and moderate El Ninos.
Climate Dynamics,
47, 393-410
Conway D, Archer van Garderen E, Deryng D, Dorling S, Krueger T, Landman W, Lankford B, Lebek K,
Osborn TJ, Ringler C, Thurlow J, Zhu T and Dalin C (2015)
Climate and southern Africa's water-energy-food nexus.
Nature Climate Change5, 837-846 (doi:10.1038/nclimate2735).
Hegerl GC, Black E, Allan RP, Ingram WJ, Polson D, Trenberth KE, Chadwick RS, Arkin PA, Balan Sarojini B,
Becker A, Dai A, Durack PJ, Easterling D, Fowler HJ, Kendon EJ, Huffman GJ, Liu C, Marsh R, New M,
Osborn TJ, Skliris N, Stott PA, Vidale P-L, Wijffels SE, Wilcox LJ,
Willett KM and Zhang X
Challenges in quantifying changes in the global water cycle.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society96, 1097-1115
Osborn TJ, Gosling SN, Wallace CJ and Dorling S
The water cycle in a changing climate. In
7th World Water Forum, Words into Action, Faircount Media Group, London, p14-19
(available here).
van der Schrier G, Barichivich J, Harris I, Jones PD and Osborn TJ (2015)
Monitoring global drought using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index [in "State of the Climate in 2014"].
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society96, S30-S31
(available here).
Barichivich J, Briffa KR, Myneni R, van der Schrier G, Dorigo WA, Tucker CJ,
Osborn TJ and Melvin TM (2014)
Temperature and snow-mediated moisture controls of summer vegetation photosynthetic activity in northern terrestrial ecosystems between 1982 and 2011.
Remote Sensing6, 1390-1431
Harris I, Jones PD, Osborn TJ and Lister DH (2014)
Updated high-resolution grids of monthly climatic observations - the CRU TS3.10 dataset.
International Journal of Climatology34, 623-642
Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Harpham C and Briffa KR (2014)
The development of Lamb Weather types: from subjective analysis of weather charts to objective
approaches using reanalyses.
Weather, 69, 128-132
Osborn TJ and Jones PD (2014)
The CRUTEM4 land-surface air temperature data set: construction, previous versions and dissemination via Google Earth.
Earth System Science Data6, 61-68
Pope RJ, Savage NH, Chipperfield MP, Arnold SR and Osborn TJ
The influence of synoptic weather regimes on UK air quality: analysis of satellite column
Atmospheric Science Letters15, 211-217
Pope RJ, Willett KM, Osborn TJ and Thorne P
Investigation and quality assessment of the Past Weather Code from the Integrated Surface Database.
Hadley Centre Technical Note97
(available here).
Yang B, Qin C, Wang J, He M, Melvin TM, Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2014)
A 3,500-year tree-ring record of annual precipitation on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111, 2903-2908
Arnell NW, Lowe JA, Brown S, Gosling SN, Gottschalk P, Hinkel J, Lloyd-Hughes B,
Nicholls RJ, Osborn TJ, Osborne TM, Rose GA,
Smith P and Warren R (2013)
A global assessment of the effects of climate policy on the impacts of climate change.
Nature Climate Change3, 512-519
Barichivich J, Briffa KR, Myneni RB, Osborn TJ, Melvin TM,
Ciais P, Piao SL and Tucker C (2013)
Large-scale variations in the vegetation growing season and annual cycle of atmospheric
CO2 at high northern latitudes from 1950 to 2011.
Global Change Biology19, 3167-3183
Briffa KR, Melvin TM, Osborn TJ, Hantemirov RM,
Kirdyanov AV, Mazepa VS, Shiyatov SG and Esper J (2013)
Reassessing the evidence for tree-growth and inferred temperature change during the
Common Era in Yamalia, northwest Siberia.
Quaternary Science Reviews72, 83-107
Contributing author to Bindoff et al. (2013)
Detection and attribution of climate change: from global to regional.
Chapter 10 (867-952) in
Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Stocker et al.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, USA
Contributing author to IPCC (2013)
Summary for Policymakers.
In Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Working Group I contribution to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Stocker TF, Qin D, Plattner G-K, Tignor M, Allen SK, Boschung J, Nauels A, Xia Y, Bex V and Midgley PM). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, USA
Contributing author to Stocker et al. (2013)
Technical Summary.
In Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Working Group I contribution to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Stocker et al.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, USA
Cornes RC, Jones PD, Briffa KR and Osborn TJ
(2013) Estimates of the North Atlantic Oscillation series back to 1692
using a Paris-London Westerly Index.
International Journal of Climatology33, 228-248
Masson-Delmotte V, Schulz M, Abe-Ouchi A, Beer J, Ganopolski A, González Rouco JF, Jansen E,
Lambeck K, Luterbacher J, Naish T, Osborn T, Otto-Bliesner B,
Quinn T, Ramesh R, Rojas M, Shao X, Timmermann A (2013)
Information from paleoclimate archives.
Chapter 5 (383-464) in Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Stocker et al.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, USA.
Polson D, Hegerl GC, Zhang X and Osborn TJ (2013).
Causes of robust seasonal land precipitation changes.
Journal of Climate26 6679-6697
van Oldenborgh GJ, de Laat ATJ, Luterbacher J, Ingram WJ and Osborn TJ
Claim of solar influence is on thin ice: are 11-year cycle solar minima associated
with severe winters in Europe? Environmental Research Letters8, 024014
Vial J, Osborn TJ and Lott F (2013)
Sudden stratospheric warmings and tropospheric blockings in a
multi-century simulation of the IPSL-CM5A coupled climate model.
Climate Dynamics40, 2401-2414
Warren R, Lowe JA, Arnell NW, Hope C, Berry P, Brown S, Gambhir A, Gosling SN,
Nicholls RJ, O'Hanley J, Osborn TJ, Osborne T, Price J,
Rose G and Vanderwal J (2013)
The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change
Climatic Change120, 55-70
Warren R, VanDerWal J, Price J, Welbergen JA, Atkinson I,
Ramirez-Villegas J, Osborn TJ, Jarvis A, Shoo LP, Williams SE and
Lowe J (2013)
Quantifying the benefit of early climate change mitigation in avoiding biodiversity loss.
Nature Climate Change3, 678-682
Barichivich J, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Melvin TM and Caesar J (2012).
Thermal growing season and timing of biospheric carbon uptake across the Northern
Global Biogeochemical Cycles26, GB4015
Cornes RC, Jones PD, Briffa KR and Osborn TJ
(2012) A daily series of mean sea-level pressure for London, 1692-2007.
International Journal of Climatology32, 641-656 (doi:10.1002/joc.2301).
Cornes RC, Jones PD, Briffa KR and Osborn TJ
(2012) A daily series of mean sea-level pressure for Paris, 1670-2007.
International Journal of Climatology32, 1135-1150 (doi:10.1002/joc.2349).
Gottschalk P, Smith JU, Wattenbach M, Bellarby J, Stehfest E, Arnell N,
Osborn TJ, Jones C and Smith P
(2012) How will organic carbon stocks in mineral soils evolve under future climate?
Global projections using RothC for a range of climate change scenarios.
Biogeosciences9, 3151-3171
Jones PD, Lister DH, Osborn TJ, Harpham C, Salmon M and Morice CP
(2012) Hemispheric and large-scale land-surface air temperature variations: an extensive
revision and an update to 2010.
Journal of Geophysical Research117 D05127 (doi:10.1029/2011JD017139).
Maraun D, Osborn TJ and Rust HW
(2012) The influence of synoptic airflow on UK daily precipitation extremes, part II:
regional climate model and E-OBS data validation.
Climate Dynamics39, 287-301 (doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1176-0).
Vial J and Osborn TJ
Assessment of atmosphere-ocean general circulation model simulations of winter Northern
Hemisphere atmospheric blocking.
Climate Dynamics39, 95-112 (doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1177-z).
Warren R, Yu RMS, Osborn TJ and de la Nava Santos S
(2012) Future European drought regimes under mitigated and unmitigated climate change:
application of the Community Integrated Assessment System (CIAS).
Climate Research51, 105-123
Maraun D, Osborn TJ and Rust HW
(2011) The influence of synoptic airflow on UK daily precipitation extremes, part I:
observed spatio-temporal relationships.
Climate Dynamics36, 261-275 (doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0710-9).
Osborn TJ
(2011) Winter 2009/10 temperatures and a record-breaking North Atlantic
Oscillation index.
Weather66, 19-21.
Osborn TJ
(2011) Variability and changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation index.
In Hydrological, socioeconomic and ecological impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation
in the Mediterranean region (eds. Vicente-Serrano SM and Trigo RM), Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg,
9-22, (doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1372-7).
Shaon A, Callaghan S, Lawrence B, Matthews B, Woolf A,
Osborn TJ and Harpham C (2011)
A linked data approach to publishing complex scientific workflows.
Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on eScience, 2011, article no. 6123292,
303-310. (doi:10.1109/eScience.2011.49).
Palastanga V, van der Schrier G, Weber SL, Kleinen T, Briffa KR and
Osborn TJ (2011)
Atmosphere and ocean dynamics: contributors to the European Little Ice Age?
Climate Dynamics36, 973-987 (doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0751-0).
Todd MC, Taylor RG, Osborn TJ,
Kingston DG, Arnell NW and Gosling SN (2011)
Uncertainty in climate change impacts on basin-scale freshwater resources - preface to the special issue:
the QUEST-GSI methodology and synthesis of results.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences15, 1035-1046
Contributing author (2010)
Written memorandum by the University of East Anglia (CRU 00). In The disclosure of
climate data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East
Anglia: eighth report of session 2009-10. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.
The Stationery Office, London. Volume II, 17-39.
Maraun D, Rust HW and Osborn TJ
(2010) Synoptic airflow and UK daily precipitation extremes: development and validation
of a vector generalised linear model.
Extremes13, 133-153 (doi:10.1007/s10687-010-0102-x).
Osborn TJ (2010)
Written memorandum by Dr Timothy J Osborn (CRU 28). In The disclosure of
climate data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East
Anglia: eighth report of session 2009-10. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.
The Stationery Office, London. Volume II, 129-132.
Agnew M, Goodess C, Jones P and Osborn T
(2009) The science of climate change - implications for risk management.
Chapter 3 in Coping with climate change: risk and opportunities for insurers
(ed. Dlugolecki A et al.), Chartered Insurance Institute (, London, UK.
Blenkinsop S, Jones PD, Dorling SR and Osborn TJ
(2009) Observed and modelled influence of atmospheric circulation on central
England temperature extremes.
International Journal of Climatology29, 1642-1660
Cornes R, Jones P, Briffa K and Osborn T
(2009) The London and Paris daily pressure series, 1692-2007: the development of two new
data series.
EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria,
Abstract p.5682.
Jones PD, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ,
Lough JM, van Ommen TD, Vinther BM, Luterbacher J,
Wahl ER, Zwiers FW, Mann ME, Schmidt GA, Ammann CM, Buckley BM,
Cobb KM, Esper J, Goosse H, Graham N, Jansen E, Kiefer T, Kull C,
Kuttel M, Mosley-Thompson E, Overpeck JT, Riedwyl N,
Schulz M, Tudhope AW, Villalba R, Wanner H, Wolff E and
Xoplaki E (2009)
High-resolution paleoclimatology of the last millennium: a review of current
status and future prospects.
The Holocene19, 3-49.
Kleinen T, Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2009)
Sensitivity of climate response to changes in freshwater hosing location.
Ocean Dynamics59, 509-521.
Maraun D, Rust HW and Osborn TJ (2009)
The annual cycle of heavy precipitation across the UK: a model based on
extreme value statistics.
International Journal of Climatology29, 1731-1744
Rust HW, Maraun D and Osborn TJ
(2009) Modelling seasonality in extreme rainfall: a UK case study.
European Physical Journal Special Topics174, 99-111
Maraun D, Osborn TJ and Gillett NP
(2008) United Kingdom daily precipitation intensity: improved early data,
error estimates and an update to 2006.
International Journal of Climatology28, 833-842.
O'Neill SJ, Osborn TJ, Hulme M, Lorenzoni I,
Watkinson AR (2008)
Using expert knowledge to assess uncertainties in future polar bear populations under
climate change.
Journal of Applied Ecology45, 1649-1659 (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01552.x).
Warren R, de la Nava Santos S, Arnell NW, Bane M, Barker T, Barton C, Ford R,
Fuessel H-M, Hankin RKS, Klein R, Linstead C, Kohler J, Mitchell TD,
Osborn TJ, Pan H, Raper SCB, Riley G,
Schellnhuber HJ, Winne S and Anderson D
(2008) Development and illustrative outputs of the Community Integrated Assessment System (CIAS),
a multi-institutional modular integrated assessment approach for modelling
climate change.
Environmental Modelling and Software23, 592-610
Contributing author to Jansen et al. (2007) Palaeoclimate. Chapter 6 in
Climate change 2007: the physical science basis; contribution of Working Group 1 to
the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Solomon et al.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New
York, USA.
Contributing author to Randall et al. (2007) Climate models and their
evaluation. Chapter 8 in
Climate change 2007: the physical science basis; contribution of Working Group 1 to
the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(eds. Solomon et al.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New
York, USA.
Busby SJ, Briffa, KR and Osborn TJ
(2007) Simulation of ENSO forcings on U.S. drought by the HadCM3 coupled climate
Journal of Geophysical Research112, D18112 (doi:10.1029/2007JD008705).
Juckes MN, Allen MR, Briffa KR, Esper J, Hegerl GC, Moberg A,
Osborn TJ and Weber SL
Millennial temperature reconstruction intercomparison and evaluation.
Climate of the Past3, 591-609.
Kleinen T, Osborn T and Briffa K (2007)
Investigation into influences on Little Ice Age climate.
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 2007.
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR
(2007) Response to the Comment on "The spatial extent of 20th-century
warmth in the context of the past 1200 years".
Science316, 1844b
Tett SFB, Betts R, Crowley TJ, Gregory J, Johns TC, Jones A,
Osborn TJ, Ostrom E, Roberts DL and
Woodage MJ (2007)
The impact of natural and anthropogenic forcings on climate and hydrology
since 1550. Climate Dynamics28, 3-34
van der Schrier G, Osborn TJ, Briffa KR and Cook ER
(2007) Exploring an ensemble approach to estimating skill in multiproxy palaeoclimate
reconstructions. The Holocene17, 119-129.
Jones PD, Leadbetter A, Osborn TJ and Bloomfield JP
(2006) The impact of climate change on severe droughts:
river-flow reconstructions and implied groundwater levels.
Environment Agency Science Report SC040068/SR2, Environment Agency, Bristol, UK,
ISBN: 1844326152, 58pp.
Osborn TJ (2006)
Recent variations in the winter North Atlantic Oscillation.
Weather61, 353-355.
Osborn TJ, Raper SCB and Briffa KR (2006)
Simulated climate change during the last 1000 years: comparing the ECHO-G
general circulation model with the MAGICC simple climate model.
Climate Dynamics27, 185-197 (doi:10.1007/s00382-006-0129-5).
van der Schrier G, Briffa KR, Jones PD and Osborn TJ
(2006) Summer moisture variability across Europe. Journal of Climate19,
van der Schrier G, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ
and Cook ER
(2006) Summer moisture availability across North America. Journal of
Geophyscial Research111, D11102 (doi:10.1029/2005JD006745).
Wade SD, Jones PD and Osborn TJ
(2006) The impact of climate change on severe droughts:
implications for decision making.
Environment Agency Science Report SC040068/SR3, Environment Agency, Bristol, UK,
ISBN: 1844326160, 86pp.
Wilson R, Tudhope A, Brohan P, Briffa K, Osborn T
and Tett S
(2006) Two-hundred-fifty years of reconstructed and modeled tropical temperatures.
Journal of Geophysical Research111, C10007
Davies H, Osborn TJ, Piper B and Prudhomme C
(2005) Climate change uncertainty
in water resource planning. UKWIR report 05/CL/04/4,
UK Water Industry Research Ltd, London, 81pp.
Osborn TJ, McSweeney C, Prudhomme C, Davies H
and Viner D
(2005) Climate change scenarios for UK catchments generated by statistical downscaling
from multiple global climate models and multiple greenhouse gas scenarios.
Annex A to UKWIR report 05/CL/04/4 "Climate change uncertainty
in water resource planning", UK Water Industry Research Ltd, London.
Rutherford SD, Mann ME, Osborn TJ, Bradley RS, Briffa KR,
Hughes MK and Jones PD (2005) Proxy-based Northern Hemisphere surface temperature
reconstructions: sensitivity to method, predictor network, target season and
target domain. Journal of Climate18, 2308-2329
Tsimplis MN, Woolf DK, Osborn TJ,
Wakelin S, Wolf J, Flather R, Shaw AGP, Woodworth P, Challenor P,
Blackman D, Pert F, Yan Z and Jevrejeva S (2005) Towards a vulnerability
assessment of the UK and northern European coasts: the role of regional
climate variability.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London series A363, 1329-1358 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2005.1571).
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ and Schweingruber FH
(2004) Large-scale temperature inferences from tree rings: a review.
Global and planetary change40, 11-26
Osborn TJ (2004) Simulating the winter
North Atlantic
Oscillation: the roles of internal variability and greenhouse gas forcing.
Climate Dynamics22, 605-623 (doi:10.1007/s00382-004-0405-1).
Osborn TJ, Briffa KR, Schweingruber FH and Jones PD
(2004, published as CRU RP10 in 2012)
Annually resolved patterns of summer temperature over the Northern Hemisphere since AD 1400
from a tree-ring-density network.
Climatic Research Unit Research Publication
10 (CRU RP10), 45pp.
Trigo RM, Corte-Real J and Osborn TJ (2004)
Influencia de la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte en el clima
del continente Europeo y su impacto en el caudal de los ríos
In La Oscilación del Atlántico Norte y su influencia sobre
la Península Ibérica y Canarias.
(ed. Gimeno L, Garcia R, Trigo RM and de la Torre L), Avances en
climatologia y ciencas de la atmosfera, 1, Parque Tecnologico de
Galicia, Ourense, Spain, 135-158. [In Spanish; translation:
The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on European
climate and river flow of three major Iberian rivers.]
Trigo RM, Pozo-Vazquez D, Osborn TJ
Castro-Diez Y, Gamiz-Fortis S and Estaban-Parra MJ (2004)
North Atlantic Oscillation influence on precipitation, river
flow and water resources in the Iberian Peninsula.
International Journal of Climatology24, 925-944.
Trigo RM, Trigo IF, DaCamara CC and
Osborn TJ (2004)
Climate impacts of the European winter blocking episodes from the
NCEP/NCAR reanalyses. Climate Dynamics23, 17-28 (doi:10.1007/s00382-004-0410-4).
Bigg GR, Jickells TD, Liss PS and
Osborn TJ (2003)
The role of the oceans in climate. International Journal
of Climatology23, 1127-1159 (doi:10.1002/joc.926).
Bradley RS, Briffa KR, Cole J, Hughes MK and
Osborn TJ (2003) The climate of the last
millennium. In Paleoclimate, global change and the future (ed.
Alverson KD, Bradley RS and Pedersen TF), Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Gillett NP, Graf HF and Osborn TJ (2003)
Climate change and the North Atlantic Oscillation.
In North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and
environmental impact (ed. Hurrell JW, Kushnir Y, Ottersen G and
Visbeck M), Geophysical Monograph 134,
American Geophyscial Union, Washington, 193-209
Goodess CM, Hanson C, Hulme M and Osborn TJ
(2003) Representing climate and extreme weather events in Integrated
Assessment Models: a review of existing methods and options for
development. Integrated Assessment4, 145-171.
Available here.
Hanson C, Palutikof J, Osborn T,
Davies T, Holt T and Quine C (2003)
An integrated assessment of the potential for change in storm activity
over Europe: implications for forestry in the UK. In Proceedings
of International Conference on Wind Effects on Trees
(ed. Ruck B, Kottmeier C, Mattheck C, Quine C and Wilhelm G),
Laboratory for Buildings and Environmental Aerodynamics,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 129-136.
Jones PD, Moberg A, Osborn TJ and
Briffa KR (2003) Surface climate responses to explosive volcanic
eruptions seen in long European temperature records and mid-to-high
latitude tree-ring density around the Northern Hemisphere. In
Volcanism and the Earth's atmosphere (ed. Robock A and Oppenheimer
C), American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 239-254.
Jones PD, Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2003)
Pressure-based measurements of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO):
a comparison and an assessment
of changes in the strength of the NAO and in its influence on surface
climate parameters.
In North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and
environmental impact (ed. Hurrell JW, Kushnir Y, Ottersen G and
Visbeck M), Geophysical Monograph 134,
American Geophyscial Union, Washington, 51-62
Jones PD,
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2003)
Changes in the Northern Hemisphere annual cycle: implications for
paleoclimatology? Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres108, 4588
Mann M, Ammann C, Bradley R, Briffa K, Jones P,
Osborn T,
Crowley T, Hughes M, Oppenheimer M, Overpeck J, Rutherford S,
Trenberth K and Wigley T (2003)
On past temperatures and anomalous late-20th century warmth.
EOS84, 256-257.
Mann M, Ammann C, Bradley R, Briffa K, Jones P,
Osborn T,
Crowley T, Hughes M, Oppenheimer M, Overpeck J, Rutherford S,
Trenberth K and Wigley T (2003)
Response to Soon et al.'s comment on "On past temperatures and anomalous late-20th century warmth".
EOS84, 473-474.
Osborn TJ and Jones PD (2003)
Circulation anomalies and UK climate. Weather58, 129-130
Renssen H and Osborn T (2003)
Investigating Holocene climate variability: data-model comparisons.
PAGES News11 (2/3), 32-33.
Thorne PW, Jones PD, Tett SFB, Allen MR, Parker DE, Stott PA, Jones GS,
Osborn TJ and Davies TD (2003)
Probable causes of late twentieth century tropospheric temperature
trends. Climate Dynamics21, 573-591 (doi:10.1007/s00382-003-0353-1).
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH,
Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2002) Tree-ring width and density
data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 1, local and regional
climate signals. The Holocene12, 737-757.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH,
Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2002) Tree-ring width and density
data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 2, spatio-temporal
variability and associated climate patterns. The Holocene12, 759-789.
Collins M, Osborn TJ, Tett SFB,
Briffa KR and Schweingruber FH (2002)
A comparison of the variability of a climate model with
palaeo-temperature estimates from a network of tree-ring densities.
Journal of Climate15, 1497-1515
Hulme M, Jenkins G, Brooks N, Cresswell D, Doherty R, Durman C,
Gregory J, Lowe J and Osborn T
(2002) What is happening to global climate and why? In
Health effects of climate change in the UK. Department of Health,
London, UK, 18-49.
Available here
Jones PD, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Moberg A
and Bergstrom H (2002)
Relationships between circulation strength and the variability of
growing-season and cold-season climate in northern and central Europe.
The Holocene12, 643-656.
Livermore MTJ, Palutikof JP, Bentham CG and
Osborn TJ (2002) Climate change impacts in
Europe - the role of extreme temperature events. In
Proceedings of the 13th conference on applied climatology,
Portland, Oregon, May 2002, AMS, Boston, US, 104-105.
Osborn TJ (2002) The winter North Atlantic
Oscillation: roles of internal variability and greenhouse gas forcing.
CLIVAR Exchanges25, 54-58.
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2002)
Comments on the paper of RN Harris and DS Chapman "Mid-latitude (30N-60N)
climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface
air temperatures". Geophysical Research Letters29,
Osborn TJ and Hulme M (2002)
Evidence for trends in heavy rainfall events over the United Kingdom.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London
series A360,
1313-1325 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2002.1002).
Parry M, Park S, Dockerty T, Harrison P, Jones P, Harrington R,
Osborn T,
Rounsevell M, Shao J, Viner D, Wheeler T, Arnell N, Butterfield R,
Park J and Rehman T (2002)
Investigation of thresholds of impact of climate change on agriculture in
England and Wales. Jackson Environment Institute research report4, UEA, Norwich, UK, 136pp.
Thorne PW, Jones PD, Osborn TJ,
Davies TD, Tett SFB, Parker DE, Stott PA, Jones GS and Allen MR (2002)
Assessing the robustness of zonal mean climate change detection.
Geophysical Research Letters29, 26/1-26/4
Trigo RM, Osborn TJ and Corte-Real J (2002)
Influência da Oscilação do Atlântico Norte no clima
do continente Europeu e no caudal dos rios Ibéricos Atlânticos.
FinisterraXXXVII 5-31. [In Portuguese; translation:
The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on European
climate and river flow of three major Iberian rivers.
Portuguese Journal of Geography.]
Turnpenny JR, Crossley JF, Hulme M and
Osborn TJ (2002)
Air flow influences on local climate: comparison of simulations from a
regional climate model with observations over the United Kingdom.
Climate Research20, 189-202.
Wallace CJ and Osborn TJ (2002)
Recent and future modulation of the annual cycle.
Climate Research22, 1-11.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH,
Harris IC, Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2001)
Low-frequency temperature variations
from a northern tree-ring-density network. Journal of
Geophysical Research - Atmospheres106, 2929-2941.
Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Briffa KR,
Folland CK, Horton EB, Alexander LV, Parker DE and Rayner NA
(2001) Adjusting for sampling density in grid-box land and ocean surface
temperature time series. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres106, 3371-3380.
Raper SCB, Gregory JM and Osborn TJ (2001)
Use of an upwelling-diffusion energy balance climate model to simulate
and diagnose A/OGCM results. Climate Dynamics17, 601-613.
Briffa KR, Baillie MGL, Bartholin T, Bonde N, Kalela-Brundin M,
Eckstein D, Eronen M, Frenzel B, Friedrich M, Groves C, Grudd H,
Hantemirov R, Hillam J, Jansma E, Jones PD, Karlen W, Leuschner HH,
Lindholm M, Makowka I, Naurzbaev MM, Nogler P,
Osborn TJ,
Riemer T, Salmon M, Sander C,
Schweingruber FH, Shiyatov SG, Spain J, Spurk M, Timonen M, Tyers I,
Vaganov EA, Wazny T and Zetterberg P (2000)
Analysis of dendrochronological variability and associated natural
climates in Eurasia - the last 10,000 years (ADVANCE-10K). In
Proceedings of the European Climate Science Conference, Vienna,
October 1998 [CD-ROM available from Biodiversity and Global Change Unit,
Research DG, European Commission, Brussels].
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ,
Schweingruber FH, Shiyatov SG, Vaganov EA, Jones PD and Harris IC (2000)
Large-scale temperature information in tree-ring density data.
Poster presented at
International conference on dendrochronology for the third millennium,
Mendoza, Argentina, April 2000.
Collins M, Osborn TJ, Tett SFB,
Briffa KR and Schweingruber FH (2000)
Testing the 'natural' variability of a climate model: an example using
tree-ring data.
CLIVAR Exchanges5, 21-24.
Dickson RR, Osborn TJ, Hurrell JW, Meincke J,
Blindheim J, Adlandsvik B,
Vinje T, Alekseev G and Maslowski W (2000) The Arctic Ocean response
to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Journal of Climate13,
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2000)
Revisiting timescale-dependent reconstruction of climate from tree-ring
chronologies. Dendrochronologia18, 9-26.
Osborn TJ and Hulme M (2000) Observed
trends in the intensity of daily precipitation over the UK. In
Proceedings of the 12th conference on applied climatology,
Asheville, May 2000, AMS, Boston, US, 111-114.
Osborn TJ, Hulme M, Jones PD and Basnett
TA (2000) Observed trends in the daily intensity of United Kingdom
precipitation. International Journal of Climatology20,
Osborn TJ, Hulme M, Jones PD and Reid PA
(2000) Changes in the intensity of daily precipitation over the UK.
Poster presented at
TSUNAMI conference, What science can do for the insurance industry,
London, UK, April 2000.
Osborn TJ and Jones PD (2000)
Air flow influences on local climate: observed United Kingdom climate
variations. Atmospheric Science Letters1, 62-74
Osborn TJ and Jones PD (2000)
What do climate models tell us about the winter North Atlantic Oscillation?
Poster presented at
AGU Chapman conference, The North Atlantic Oscillation, Ourense,
Spain, November 2000.
Thorne PW, Jones PD, Osborn TJ,
Davies TD, Tett SFB and Parker DE (2000)
Suitability of the 3D radiosonde temperature field for climate change
detection and attribution studies.
Poster presented at
Royal Meteorological Society conference, Meteorology at the millennium,
Cambridge, UK, July 2000.
Trigo RM, Osborn TJ and Corte-Real J (2000)
A multivariate analysis of the NAO influence on Europe: climate impacts
and associated physical mechanisms. Poster presented at
AGU Chapman conference, The North Atlantic Oscillation, Ourense,
Spain, November 2000.
Viner D, Osborn T, Jones P, Briffa K,
Hulme M, and Raper S (2000) Global warming: the world heats up.
Weather55, 144-145.
Wallace CJ and Osborn TJ (2000) Recent
modulation of the seasonal cycle. In
Proceedings of the 12th conference on applied climatology,
Asheville, May 2000, AMS, Boston, US, 117-118.
Osborn TJ, Briffa KR, Cook ER and Mann ME
(1999) The winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Poster presented at
International Union for Quaternary Research, XV International Congress,
Durban, August 1999.
Osborn TJ, Briffa KR, Tett SFB, Jones PD
and Trigo RM (1999) Evaluation
of the North Atlantic Oscillation as simulated by a coupled climate model.
Climate Dynamics15, 685-702.
Briffa KR, Jones PD, Schweingruber FH and
Osborn TJ (1998) Influence of volcanic eruptions
on Northern Hemisphere summer temperature over the past 600 years.
Nature393, 450-455.
Briffa KR, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD,
Osborn TJ, Harris IC, Shiyatov SG
and Vaganov EA (1998) Trees tell of past climates: but are they speaking less
clearly today? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London
series B353, 65-73.
Briffa KR, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD,
Osborn TJ, Shiyatov SG and
Vaganov EA (1998) Reduced sensitivity of recent tree growth to temperature at
high northern latitudes. Nature391, 678-682.
Choi B-C, Davies TD, Osborn TJ and
Lee SH (1998) On the relationship between Eurasian snow cover and summer
rainfall in South Korea, part I: statistical analysis.
Journal of the Korean Meteorological Society34,
Hulme M, Jenkins G, Barrow E, Bohn L, Durman C, Eagles M, Gregory J,
Lowe J, McDonald R, Mitchell J, New M, Osborn T
and Viner D (1998) Climate change scenarios for the United Kingdom: scientific
report. UKCIP technical report no. 1, Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, UK,
Hulme M, Osborn TJ and Johns TC
(1998) Precipitation sensitivity to global warming: comparison of
observations with HADCM2 simulations. Geophysical Research
Letters25, 3379-3382.
Osborn TJ (1998) The vertical component of
epineutral diffusion and the
dianeutral component of horizontal diffusion. Journal of
Physical Oceanography28, 485-494
Osborn TJ and Hulme M (1998)
Evaluation of the European daily precipitation
characteristics from the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project.
International Journal of Climatology18, 505-522.
Osborn TJ, Briffa KR, Tett SFB and
Jones PD (1998) The North Atlantic Oscillation: observations, models and
paleodata. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Applied
Climatology, Vienna, October 1998 [CD-ROM available from ZAMG, Vienna,
Davies T, Kelly M, and Osborn T (1997)
Explaining the climate of the British Isles. In Climates of the British Isles:
present, past and future (ed. M. Hulme and E. Barrow), Routledge,
London, 11-32
Dickson RR, Osborn TJ, Hurrell JW,
Meincke J, Blindheim J, Adlandsvik B,
Vigne T, Alekseev G, Maslowski W and Cattle H (1997) The Arctic Ocean
response to the North Atlantic Oscillation. In Proceedings of
ACSYS/WCRP Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, Rosario,
Washington, 3-6 Nov 1997,
46-47. [Available from International ACSYS Project Office, Oslo, Norway.]
Jones PD, Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (1997)
Estimating sampling errors
in large-scale temperature averages. Journal of Climate10,
Osborn TJ (1997) Areal and point
precipitation intensity changes:
implications for the application of climate models. Geophysical Research
Letters24, 2829-2832
Osborn TJ, Briffa KR and Jones PD (1997)
Adjusting variance for
sample-size in tree-ring chronologies and other regional-mean timeseries.
Dendrochronologia15, 89-99.
Osborn TJ and Hulme M (1997) Development
of a relationship between station and grid-box rainday frequencies for
climate model evaluation. Journal of Climate10, 1885-1908
Srinivasan G, Hulme M, Jones CG, Jones PD and
Osborn TJ (1995)
An evaluation of the spatial and interannual variability of tropical
precipitation as simulated by GCMs. In Proceedings of the 1st
International AMIP Scientific Conference (ed. WL Gates), WCRP no. 92,
Dickson RR, Briffa KR and Osborn TJ (1994)
Cod and climate:
the spatial and temporal context. ICES marine science symposium 198 , 280-286
Osborn TJ and Wigley TML (1994) A simple
model for estimating
methane concentration and lifetime variations. Climate Dynamics9 , 181-193