This page provides information about availability of observed station data for some of the ENSEMBLES case-study regions.
Emilia Romagna :
Region covered by data set |
Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Number of stations or details of grid |
158 precipitation stations
32 temperature stations |
Variables |
Daily cumulated precipitation / Surface minimum and maximum daily temperature |
Time period |
1951-2004 |
Data quality checking |
Climatological, spatial and temporal checks. Detailed description given in the report: Quaderno Tecnico ARPA-SIM 15/2003 |
Homogeneity work |
The Standard Normal Homogeneity test developed by Alexandersson has been applied to the associated monthly time series. |
Data restrictions |
For use by ENSEMBLES partners only. Data sets are available as prn files. The data sets are decribed in doc files. |
Web site access |
precipitation: doc; prn
temperature: doc; prn |
Publications describing data sets |
R. Tomozeiu, V. Pavan, C. Cacciamani, and M. Amici, 2006: Observed temperature changes in Emilia-Romagna:
mean values and extremes. Climate Research, 31, 217–225. |
Contact person |
V. Pavan |
Northern Italy:
Region covered by data set |
Northern Italy
Number of stations or details of grid |
Gridded analysis on lat-long grid at 0.39°x0.28° resolution |
Variables |
Daily cumulated Precipitation / Surface minimum and maximum daily temperature |
Time period |
1971-2005 |
Data quality checking |
Not documented |
Homogeneity work |
Not documented |
Data restrictions |
For use by ARPA-SIM only |
Web site access |
No |
Publications describing data sets |
Girolamo, A. and A. Libertà, 1990. A national climatic database: the Italian experience. Internal Technical Report, AGRISIEL SpA. |
Contact person |
V. Pavan |
Region covered by data set |
Number of stations or details of grid |
21 stations |
Variables |
Daily precipitation and minimum/maximum temperature |
Time period |
1961-1990, some stations more recent |
Data quality checking |
Yes - but no details provided |
Homogeneity work |
Not known |
Data restrictions |
For use by ENSEMBLES partners only |
Web site access |
No |
Publications describing data sets |
Contact person |
Effie Kostopoulou |
Region covered by data set |
Number of stations or details of grid |
100-160 stations |
Variables |
Daily precipitation and minimum/maximum temperature |
Time period |
1961-2005 |
Data quality checking |
Checked for outliers |
Homogeneity work |
Should be complete by end of 2007 |
Data restrictions |
For use by NMA, but may be possible for ENSEMBLES partners to have access to a few synoptic stations |
Web site access |
No |
Publications describing data sets |
Contact person |
Elena Toma - head of climatological database, Denisa Donciulescu, Alina Orzan |
Region covered by data set |
Danube lower basin
Number of stations or details of grid |
5 stations |
Variables |
Discharge level |
Time period |
1846-2006; 1958-2006 |
Data quality checking |
Yes, but no details given |
Homogeneity work |
Yes, but no details given |
Data restrictions |
For use by NIHWM only |
Web site access |
No |
Publications describing data sets |
Contact person |
Antoaneta Stanciu |
Region covered by data set |
Number of stations or details of grid |
203 and 1450 stations |
Variables |
Daily temperature and precipitation |
Time period |
1957-2003 |
Data quality checking |
Yes, but no details given |
Homogeneity work |
Yes, but no details given |
Data restrictions |
For use by INM only, but monthly values could eventually be made available to ENSEMBLES partners |
Web site access |
No |
Publications describing data sets |
Contact person |
Bartolome Orfila, Jose Manuel Gutierrez |
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