: Projects
: SO&P
: Data
: Model Data
: HadCM3
: HadCM3 Data
SO&P: HadCM3 Global-mean sea level
Important notes regarding the HadCM3 data:
- Do not redistribute data to others outside the SO&P project.
- Hadley Centre will require co-authorship and need to know from the start
what analyses you are using the HadCM3 data for. Please contact
Simon Tett (see SO&P
participants table) and keep him informed.
- To ensure collaboration between SO&P partners, please refer to the
list of ongoing/planned model-data
comparisons. Please contact
others who have listed an interest in the same area, to initiate
collaboration. To add your planned areas of model-data work to the list,
email Tim Osborn.
- A small climate drift, unrelated to the external forcings, is present
in the HadCM3 simulations. This drift has been removed from the time series
made available here - see Gregory, Lowe and Tett (2005) for details. The drift was
removed by reference to the HadCM3 control simulation, also available here.
- Please inform Tim Osborn
of any errors that you find in the data.
For important notes regarding the
control simulation:
click here.
For important notes regarding the
nat simulation:
click here.
For important notes regarding the
all simulation:
click here.
HadCM3 Global-mean sea level (mm)
Variations in global-mean sea level have been estimated
from the HadCM3 simulations as reported by Gregory,
Lowe and Tett (2005) (see SO&P
publications for reprint). There are a number of components of sea level variability:
Thermal expansion of the oceans. This has been calculated from the HadCM3 simulated ocean
- Change in mass of glaciers and small ice-caps.
This component has been estimated using a simple glacier mass balance under
various assumptions.
- Change in mass of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
Estimates of this component have not been made.
- Change in mass of glaciers/ice-caps around the fringes of Greenland
and Antarctica.
Estimates of this component have not been made.
- Changes in mass of soil moisture and seasonal snow cover.
HadCM3 simulated values for this component indicate that it is negligible and,
therefore, no data have been included for this component.
The data provided below are from the Gregory, Lowe and Tett (2005) calculations. The
nat and all time series have already been corrected for drift
in the control simulation and for the estimated response to the
initial step-change in forcing at the beginning of the nat
simulation. These correction time series will also be made available soon.
The data series have arbitrary zero values. For the purposes of the plots
shown below, the nat series have been adjusted to equal
zero in 1500 and the all series have been adjusted to equal the
nat values in 1750. The time series in the data files have not
been adjusted in this way.
Total sea level variations are obtained by summing the glacier/ice-cap
and ocean thermal expansion components. The anhtropogenic signal
is estimated by differencing the all and nat data.
Important notes regarding the 'control' simulation:
- The 'control' simulation has constant external forcings, representative
of (approximately) pre-industrial conditions (though, for example, the
vegetation cover is set to present day).
- In the SO&P web archive we have 1010 years of data from the 'control'
simulation. The 'control' simulation actually began 750 years earlier, so
essentially we have years 751 to 1760 of the simulation (these are
not calendar years!). Even at this stage in the simulation, there are
some residual climate drifts (trends) in certain variables.
- What does the "year" in the control simulation mean? In the
actual netCDF data files provided by the Hadley Centre, the first year of
the 'control' run was given the year nominal year "1530", and so the years
751 to 1760 that we have are given nominal years "2280" to "3289". The
'nat' simulation was started from the 1000th year of the 'control'
simulation (nominal year "2529" in the netCDF files). The 'nat'
simulation is associated with specific calendar years (because the
time series of external forcings represents calendar years 1492-1999).
Therefore, to compare the 'nat' run with the 'control'
run, we need to compare calendar years 1492-1999 with 'control' run
nominal years "2529"-"3036" (in fact, in SO&P we are using calendar years 1500-1999,
which can be compared with 'control' run nominal years "2537"-"3036").
The 'all' simulation begins in calendar year 1750, and because it starts from
the calendar year 1750 conditions of the 'nat' run, its relationship with the control run is the
same (i.e., calendar years 1750-1999 should be compared with 'control' run
nominal years "2787"-"3036"). The following table may help:
Year conversions | nominal year in netCDF files | year of the control run | corresponding calendar year of nat/all runs
start of control run | "1530" | 1 | N/A
start of control run data held by SO&P | "2280" | 751 | 1243 AD
start of nat run | "2529" | 1000 | 1492 AD
start of nat run data used by SO&P | "2537" | 1008 | 1500 AD
start of all run | "2787" | 1258 | 1750 AD
end of nat and all runs | "3036" | 1507 | 1999 AD
end of control run data held by SO&P | "3289" | 1760 | 2252 AD
- To simplify things, just subtract 1037 from the nominal year stored in the 'control'
run data files to convert it to a calendar year for comparison with the 'nat' and
'all' simulations. In the time series files this has already been done.
Important notes regarding the 'nat' simulation:
- The surface roughness due to vegetation cover was incorrectly set to
present-day, rather
than pre-industrial, values during this simulation.
This results in a step-change
between this 'nat' simulation and the 'all' simulation
in 1750 (because the
vegetation roughness is changed to pre-industrial cover at the start of the
simulation). Simon Tett will be calculating some correction fields for
each variable, which can be applied to the 'nat' simulation data to remove
the vegetation error effects.
- The data files run from 1492-1999, but in SO&P we are using data
from 1500-1999 only.
Important notes regarding the 'all' simulation:
- The vegetation cover was incorrectly set to present-day, rather
than pre-industrial, during the 'nat' simulation.
The 'all' simulation should start smoothly from the 'nat'
simulation in
1750, but because of the sudden change from present-day to 1750 vegetation
there is a step-change between the two simulations.
Simon Tett will be calculating some correction fields for
each variable, which can be applied to the 'nat' simulation data
to remove the vegetation error effects.
- The stratospheric ozone depletion used as a forcing in the 'all'
simulation was too strong by a factor of around 2. This may affect some
variables (e.g. Antarctic atmospheric circulation) in the final 3 decades
of the simulation. Simon Tett is considering a re-run of these final
Last updated: October 2005, Tim Osborn