CRU : Projects : SO&P

SO&P: Model-data analyses & comparisons

This webpage contains a list of specific model-data analyses and comparisons (e.g., with a focus on a particular climate variable, region or event) that are either completed, currently ongoing, or planned. The partner and specific people involved in the work are listed.

The purpose of this list is to avoid duplication of work and to help collaboration within SO&P. If other partners have listed an interest in the same area, it is desirable to work together and collaborate. Multi-institution papers would be proof of the benefits of working in a European project! Please contact the partners listed to initiate collaboration (participants' contact details here).

To add your planned area of model-data work to the list, email Tim Osborn.

Topic Partner Contact person(s) Papers
Comparison with NH temperature reconstructions, taking error into account METO Philip Brohan
Simon Tett
UEA Tim Osborn
Testing temperature reconstruction methods using models as pseudo-proxy-data (testing Mann et al. method) GKSS Julie Jones -
Testing temperature reconstruction methods using models as pseudo-proxy-data (testing whether upscaling proxy data or downscaling model data works best) GKSS Julie Jones -
Simulation of borehole temperature profiles, and air-soil temperature differences UEA Tim Osborn -
Changing temperature seasonality compared with documentary records UEA Tim Osborn -
Inter-model comparison of global temperature variations using the MAGICC energy balance model UEA Tim Osborn -
Diagnosing climate sensitivity of the simulations, and comparison with reconstructions. UEA Sarah Raper
Tim Osborn
Testing NAO reconstruction methods using models as pseudo-proxy-data GKSS Julie Jones -
UEA Gerard van der Schrier
Tim Osborn
Comparison with Antarctic Oscillation reconstructions GKSS Julie Jones -
Inter-model comparison of circulation patterns, their stability, and links with volcanic forcing GKSS Julie Jones -
Comparison with PDSI reconstructions UEA Gerard van der Schrier
Keith Briffa
Growing trees from climate model output UEA Cyrille Rathgeber -
Comparison with tropical temperature & ENSO reconstructions UEDIN Sandy Tudhope
Rob Wilson
METO Rob Allan
Comparison with European climate reconstructions (Luterbacher, Mann, Osborn maps, time series, EOFs etc.) UBERN Heinz Wanner -
Assessment of climate variability over the Mediterranean region CNRS/UDESAM Antoine Nicault -
Inter-model comparison of sea level variances and trends due to forcing METO ??? -
Detection of signals and separation of natural and anthropogenic forcings FUB ??? -
Using Bayes approach to test hypotheses of consistency between models and proxy data FUB Sascha Brand -
Synthesising model and proxy information on natural climate variability FUB ??? -

Last updated: April 2004, Tim Osborn