CRU : Projects : SO&P : Publications & Presentations
SO&P: Peer-reviewed papers & book chapters
Papers and book chapters of SO&P-funded research that have been peer reviewed
will be listed here. For some, electronic reprints may also be available.
Publications are sorted by category and then by date.
Climate simulations
: this category could include descriptions of the climate models used,
of the forcings used to drive the models, or analyses of the
Climate proxies
: this category could include descriptions of the raw proxy data or
documentary records used
as predictors in SO&P climate reconstructions.
Climate reconstructions
: this category could include descriptions of the published
reconstructions of climate, based on proxies and/or documentary data, that
are being used in SO&P for comparison with model simulations.
Data-model comparisons
: this category could include studies that have used or
compared model simulations and climate proxy/documentary reconstructions.
Sea level
: this category could include descriptions proxy records,
reconstructions or simulations of sea level, or their comparison.
: this category could include publications that do not fall into
any of the other categories, or fall into more than one.
Anyone using or citing information obtained from this website should take great
care to correctly acknowledge the original source/authors of the work.
Climate simulations
- 2004
Renssen H, Bracconot P,
Tett SFB, von Storch H and Weber SL (2004)
Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling. In Past
climate variability through Europe and Africa (eds. Battarbee
RW et al.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Netherlands, 495-514.
von Storch H (2004) A
discourse about quasi-realistic climate models and their applications in
paleoclimatic studies. In The KIHZ project: towards a synthesis of Holocene
proxy data and climate models (eds. Fischer et al.), Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, 43-56.
- 2005
Cubasch U, Burger G, Fast I, Spangehl T and Wagner S (2005)
The direct solar influence on climate: modeling the lower
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 76, 810-818.
Fischer-Bruns I, von Storch H, Gonzalez-Rouco JF and Zorita E (2005)
Modelling the variability of midlatitude storm activity on decadal to century
time scales.
Climate Dynamics 25, 461-476.
Wagner S and Zorita E (2005)
The influence of volcanic, solar and CO2 forcing on the temperatures in the
Dalton Minimum (1790-1830): a model study.
Climate Dynamics 25, 205-218.
Zorita E, Gonzalez-Rouco JF, von Storch H, Montavez JP and Valero F (2005)
Natural and anthropogenic modes of surface temperature variations in the
last 1000 years.
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L08707
(doi: 10.1029/2004GL021563).
- 2006
Osborn TJ, Raper SCB and Briffa KR (2006)
Simulated climate change during the last 1,000 years:
comparing the ECHO-G general circulation model with
the MAGICC simple climate model.
Climate Dynamics 27, 185-197.
Tett SFB, Betts R, Crowley TJ, Gregory J, Johns TC, Jones A, Osborn TJ,
Ostrom E, Roberts DL and Woodage MJ (2006)
The impact of natural and anthropogenic forcings on climate and hydrology
since 1500.
Climate Dynamics (in press).
Climate proxies
- 2003
- Pauling A, Luterbacher J and Wanner H (2003)
Evaluation of proxies for European and North Atlantic temperature field reconstructions.
Geophysical Research Letters 30, 1787 (doi: 10.1029/2003GL017589).
Climate reconstructions
- 2003
Bradley RS, Briffa KR, Cole J,
Hughes MK and Osborn TJ (2003) The climate of the last millennium. In Paleoclimate,
global change and the future (ed.
Alverson KD, Bradley RS and Pedersen TF), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 105-141.
- Briffa KR, Osborn TJ and Schweingruber FH (2003)
Large-scale temperature inferences from tree rings: a review.
Global and Planetary Change 40, 11-26
Jones PD, Moberg A, Osborn TJ and
Briffa KR (2003) Surface climate responses to explosive volcanic eruptions seen
in long European temperature records and mid-to-high latitude tree-ring density
around the Northern Hemisphere. In Volcanism and the Earth's atmosphere (eds. Robock A and Oppenheimer C), American Geophysical
Union, Washington, DC, 239-254.
- Jones PD, Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2003)
Changes in the Northern Hemisphere annual cycle: implications for
paleoclimatology? Journal of Geophysical Research 108, 4588
- Mann M, Ammann C, Bradley R, Briffa K, Jones P,
Osborn T,
Crowley T, Hughes M, Oppenheimer M, Overpeck J, Rutherford S,
Trenberth K and Wigley T (2003)
On past temperatures and anomalous late-20th century warmth.
EOS 84, 256-257.
- Mann M, Ammann C, Bradley R, Briffa K, Jones P,
Osborn T,
Crowley T, Hughes M, Oppenheimer M, Overpeck J, Rutherford S,
Trenberth K and Wigley T (2003)
Response to Soon et al.'s comment on "On past temperatures and anomalous late-
20th century warmth".
EOS 84, 473-474.
- 2004
Esper J, Frank DC and Wilson RJS (2004)
Climate reconstructions: low-frequency ambition and high-frequency ratification.
EOS 85, 113-115.
Luterbacher J, Dietrich D, Xoplaki
E, Grosjean M and Wanner H (2004) European seasonal and annual temperature
variability, trends and extremes since 1500. Science 303,
Snowball I, Korhola A, Briffa KR and Koc N (2004)
Holocene climate dynamics in Fennoscandia and the North Atlantic.
In Past climate variability through Europe and Africa
(eds. Battarbee RW, Gasse F and Stickley CE), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands,
pp. 465-494.
Verschuren D, Briffa KR, Hoelzmann P, Barber K, Barker P, Scott L, Snowball I
Roberts N and Battarbee RW (2004)
Climate variabiltiy in Europe and Africa: a PAGES - PEP III Time Stream I synthesis.
In Past climate variability through Europe and Africa
(eds. Battarbee RW, Gasse F and Stickley CE), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands,
pp. 567-582.
Zinke J, von Storch H,
Muller B, Zorita E, Rein B, Mieding HB, Miller H, Lucke A, Schleser GH, Schwab
MJ, Negendank JFW, Kienel U, Gonzalez-Ruoco JF, Dullo C and Eisenhauser A (2004) Evidence for the climate during
the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data available within KIHZ. In The KIHZ project: towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and
climate models (eds. Fischer et al.), Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York.
- 2005
Burger G and Cubasch U (2005) Are multiproxy climate reconstructions robust?
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L23711
(doi: 10.1029/2005GL024155).
D'Arrigo R, Wilson R, Deser C, Wiles G, Cook E, Villalba R, Tudhope A, Cole J
and Linsley B (2005)
Tropical-North Pacific climate linkages over the past four centuries.
Journal of Climate 18, 5253-5265.
Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS and Briffa KR (2005)
Effect of scaling and regression on reconstructed temperature amplitude for the
past millennium.
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L0711
(doi: 10.1029/2004GL021236).
Esper J, Wilson RJS, Frank DC, Moberg A, Wanner H and Luterbacher J (2005)
Climate: past ranges and future changes.
Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2164-2166.
Guiot J, Nicault A, Rathgeber C,
Edouard JL, Guibal F, Pichard G and Till C (2005) Last-millennium summer-temperature
variations in western Europe based on proxy data. The
Holocene 15, 489-500.
Matthews JA and Briffa KR (2005)
The 'Little Ice Age': re-evaluation of an evolving concept.
Geografiska Annaler 87 A, 17-36.
Rutherford SD, Mann ME, Osborn TJ,
Bradley RS, Briffa KR, Hughes MK and Jones PD (2005) Proxy-based Northern
Hemisphere surface temperature reconstructions: sensitivity to method, predictor
network, target season and target domain. Journal of Climate
18, 2308-2329.
Touchan R, Xoplaki E, Funkhouser G, Luterbacher J, Hughes MK, Erkan N,
Akkemik U and Stephan J (2005)
Reconstructions of spring/summer precipitation for the eastern
Mediterranean from tree-ring widths and its connection to large-scale
atmospheric circulation.
Climate Dynamics 25, 75-98
(doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0016-5).
Wilson R, Tudhope A, Brohan P, Briffa K, Osborn T and Tett S (2006)
250-years of reconstructed and modeled tropical temperatures.
Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.
Xoplaki E, Luterbacher J, Paeth H, Dietrich D, Steiner N, Grosjean M
and Wanner H (2005) European spring and autumn temperature variability and
change of extremes over the last half millennium.
Geophysical Research Letters 32 L15713 (doi: 10.1029/2005GL023424).
- 2006
Bronnimann S, Xoplaki E, Casty C, Pauling A and Luterbacher J
ENSO influence on Europe during the last centuries.
Climate Dynamics (doi: 10.1007/s00382-006-0175-z).
D'Arrigo R, Wilson R, Palmer J, Krusic P, Curtis A, Sakulich J, Bijaksana S,
Zulaikah S, Ngkoimani LO and Tudhope A
The reconstructed Indonesian warm pool sea surface temperatures from tree rings and corals:
linkages to Asian monsoon drought and El Nino-Southern Oscillation.
Paleoceanography 21, PA3005 (doi: 10.1029/2005PA001256).
Jones PD and Briffa KR (2006)
Unusual climate in northwest Europe during the period 1730 to 1745
based on instrumental and documentary data.
Climatic Change (doi: 10.1007/s10584-006-9078-6).
Luterbacher J and 48 co-authors (2006)
Mediterranean climate variability over the last centuries: a review.
In The Mediterranean climate: an overview of the main characterstics and issues
(eds. Lionello P, Malanotte-Rizzoli P and Boscolo R), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27-148.
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2006)
The spatial extent of 20th-century warmth in the context of the past 1200
Science 311, 841-844.
Pauling A and Paeth H
On the variability of return periods of European winter precipitation extremes over the last five centuries.
Climate of the Past (submitted).
Pauling A, Luterbacher J, Casty C and Wanner H (2006)
Five hundred years of gridded high-resolution precipitation
reconstructions over Europe and the connection to
large-scale circulation. Climate Dynamics 26, 387-405.
Pfister C, Weingartner R and Luterbacher J
Reconstruction of extreme hydrological winter droughts over the last 450 years in the
Upper Rhine basin. A methodological approach.
Hydrological Sciences Journal (in press).
Trigo and 21 co-authors (2006)
Relations between variability in the Mediterranean region and mid-latitude variability.
In The Mediterranean climate: an overview of the main characterstics and issues
(eds. Lionello P, Malanotte-Rizzoli P and Boscolo R), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 179-226.
Data-model comparisons
- 2004
Jones JM and Widmann M (2004) Reconstructing large-scale variability from palaeoclimatic evidence by
means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN). In The
KIHZ project: towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and climate models (eds. Fischer et al.), Springer,
Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, 171-193.
von Storch, H, Zorita E, Jones JM,
Dmitriev Y, and Tett SFB (2004) Reconstructing past climate from noisy data. Science
304, 679-682.
- 2005
Casty C, Handorf D, Raible CC, Gonzalez-Rouco JF, Xoplaki E, Luterbacher J,
Weisheimer A, Dethloff K and Wanner H (2005)
Recurrent climate winter regimes in reconstructed and modelled 500 hPa geopotential
height fields over the North Atlantic/European sector 1659-1990.
Climate Dynamics 24, 809-822
(doi: 10.1007/s00382-004-0496-8).
Raible CC, Stocker TF, Yoshimori M, Renold M, Beyerle U, Casty C and Luterbacher J
Northern Hemispheric trends of pressure indices and atmospheric circulation patterns
in observations, reconstructions, and coupled GCM simulations.
Journal of Climate 18, 3968-3982.
von Storch H and Zorita E (2005)
Comment on "Hockey sticks, principal components, and spurious significance"
by S. McIntyre and R. McKitrick.
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L20701 (doi: 10.1029/2005GL022753).
- 2006
Burger G, Fast I and Cubasch U (2006)
Climate reconstruction by regression - 32 variations on a theme.
Tellus 58A, 227-235.
Gonzalez-Rouco JF, Beltrami H, Zorita E and von Storch H (2006)
Simulation and inversion of borehole temperature profiles in surrogate
climates: spatial distribution and surface coupling.
Geophysical Research Letters 33, L01703 (doi: 10.1029/2005GL024693).
Goosse H, Arzel O, Luterbacher J, Mann ME, Renssen H, Riedwyl N, Timmermann A, Xoplaki E
and Wanner H
The origin of the European 'Medieval Warm Period'.
Climate of the Past (submitted).
Kuettel M, Luterbacher J, Zorita E, Xoplaki E, Reidwyl N and Wanner H (2006)
Testing a European winter surface temperature reconstruction in a surrogate climate.
Geophysical Research Letters (submitted).
Sea level
- 2006
Gregory JM, Lowe JA and Tett SFB (2006) Simulated global-mean sea-level changes
over the last half-millennium. Journal of Climate 19, 4576-4591.
Hunicke B, Luterbacher J, Pauling A, Wagner S and Zorita E
Regional climate-drivers of decadal winter Baltic sea level variability in 1800-2100.
Geophysical Research Letters (submitted).
- 2004
Jones JM and Widmann M (2004) Early peak in Antarctic Oscillation Index. Nature 432, 290-291.
Osborn TJ (2004) Simulating the
winter North Atlantic Oscillation: the roles of internal variability and
greenhouse gas forcing. Climate Dynamics 22, 605-623.
Xoplaki E, Gonzalez-Rouco JF,
Luterbacher J and Wanner H (2004) Wet season Mediterranean precipitation
variability: influence of large-scale dynamics and trends. Climate Dynamics 23,
63-78 (doi: 10.1007/s00382-004-0422-0).
Last updated: July 2006, Tim Osborn