Climatic Research Unit : Research and Projects


European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climATE variability

A research project supported by
the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme
and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action
"Global change, climate and biodiversity"
within the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development.

Contract no: EVK2-CT-2002-00161 EMULATE

November 2002 to October 2005

Co-ordinated by Prof. Phil Jones, Climatic Research Unit

EMULATE will extend the availability of daily historic records of air pressure measurement over the extratropical Atlantic and Europe (70°-25° N by 70° W-50° E), for the period 1850 to the present. Once the record has been extended, atmospheric circulation patterns will be derived and relationships between the circulation, sea-surface temperatures and surface temperature and precipitation patterns across Europe evaluated, and compared with model simulations. Analysis of the relationships will strengthen our existing predictive capabilities, particularly in the context of climate change and future occurrence of extreme weather in Europe.

EMULATE Deliverables (with complementary material) and Annual Reports

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EMULATE meetings

Dataset links

The following data sets are available from other organisations and projects and are likely to be of use to EMULATE participants. In some cases, registration may be needed before a data set can be downloaded or used and restrictions of use may apply. EMULATE participants should quote the project name/funding body/contract number where appropriate. Data sets which are restricted to the EMULATE consortium are available from the internal pages.

Other links

Last updated: January 5th 2007, David Lister (

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