: Projects
: SO&P
: Data
: Model Data
: HadCM3
: HadCM3 Data
SO&P: HadCM3 Soil moisture
nat : 1500-1999 natural forcings only
Important notes regarding the HadCM3 data:
- Do not redistribute data to others outside the SO&P project.
- Hadley Centre will require co-authorship and need to know from the start
what analyses you are using the HadCM3 data for. Please contact
Simon Tett (see SO&P
participants table) and keep him informed.
- To ensure collaboration between SO&P partners, please refer to the
list of ongoing/planned model-data
comparisons. Please contact
others who have listed an interest in the same area, to initiate
collaboration. To add your planned areas of model-data work to the list,
email Tim Osborn.
- A small climate drift, unrelated to the external forcings, is present
in the HadCM3 simulations. It's significance depends on the region and
variable being considered. Simon Tett describes how this should be dealt
with, by reference to the HadCM3 control simulation, in this report (not yet
available). The HadCM3 control simulation data is not yet available.
- Please inform Tim Osborn
of any errors that you find in the data.
For important notes regarding the
nat simulation:
click here.
For important notes regarding the
soilm variable:
click here.
Obtaining fields of model data
Fields of model data, covering the entire globe, are available in netCDF
format only (please email Tim Osborn
if you cannot use netCDF files). For monthly and seasonal-mean data, there
is usually one file for each decade (though not always and the filenames or
headers will make it clear when this is not the case). For annual data
there are usually separate files for each year.
The netCDF header contains all the information
about coordinates and units that you need.
You have two options for downloading the files:
- Use wget with the command listed below
(click here
to obtain the wget software, to understand its options and for an explanation of its advantages):
wget --mirror --no-parent --no-directories --accept=nc --http-user=soaphad --http-passwd=xe2005
- Click here
to see a listing of all files, and right-click each one that you want to download/save.
Note that the data files use the HadCM3 variable name instead of the
variable name used on the SO&P website. Instead of
soilm, the files are named
Note also that the units used in the data files may be different to those given
in the time series plots/data, because I converted some variables to more common units.
Refer to the netCDF file headers for the units used (and any notes below regarding
errors in this information).
Select alternative simulation for this variable:
Select alternative variable from this simulation:
Important notes regarding the 'nat' simulation:
- The surface roughness due to vegetation cover was incorrectly set to
present-day, rather
than pre-industrial, values during this simulation.
This results in a step-change
between this 'nat' simulation and the 'all' simulation
in 1750 (because the
vegetation roughness is changed to pre-industrial cover at the start of the
simulation). Simon Tett will be calculating some correction fields for
each variable, which can be applied to the 'nat' simulation data to remove
the vegetation error effects.
- The data files run from 1492-1999, but in SO&P we are using data
from 1500-1999 only.
Important notes regarding the
soilm variable:
- The soil moisture variable stored from the HadCM3 simulations IS
NOT TOTAL SOIL MOISTURE. Instead, it is the amount of soil moisture
in the vegetation root zone. Because the vegetation changes between the
three simulations, and also changes during the course of the
all simulation, the depth of the root zone changes. Therefore,
the soil moisture within the root zone can change dramatically between simulations
and also during the all simulation even if the total soil moisture
has not changed.
- The soil moisture data from the HadCM3 simulations is probably of little
Last updated: August 2004, Tim Osborn