Welcome to the MSc in Climate Change web site
Notices for current students
Welcome to all new students
These webpages contain information about the MSc in Climate Change for current students. Teaching materials (lecture notes, slides etc.) are on the UEA Blackboard, which is accessed through my UEA using your UEA username and password. You will automatically have access under the "Blackboard" tab of the portal to any modules that you are enrolled on, including "ENV-7014A - Climate Change: Physical Science Basis".
There are a number of seminars within the School each week and MSc students are welcome (indeed, encouraged) to attend these. Forthcoming seminars are announced in the ENV weekly or daily bulletin and sometimes on the School website.
Notices for future students
If you are interested in the MSc in Climate Change, information for prospective students is available on MSc Climate Change webpage and Application Forms and Guidance
Scholarships and Funding
Click "Fees and Funding" on the
MSc Climate Change webpage
for information about the Scholarships we offer, and for the current tuition fees.
The Royal Meteorological Society
sometimes awards MSc scholarships.
Further funding possibilities are listed here.

The MSc in Climate Change is based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, home to the Climatic Research Unit (founded 1972) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (founded 2000).
This site is primarily intended for students taking the Climate Change MSc and contains information related to the conduct of the course during the current academic year. Others are welcome, however, to browse the site and learn more about what the course offers.
It is recommended that you begin your tour with the overview of the course.
Then you may want to find out more about academic life in the School of Environmental Sciences and at the University of East Anglia and about what is on offer in the surrounding region.
Students are expected to have a good first degree in a relevant subject in the physical or social sciences. The MSc in Climate Change is open to applicants from all countries: the United Kingdom, the European Union, and other countries subject to obtaining an appropriate visa.