This page provides dendroclimatological (tree-ring) reconstructions from two papers by Keith Briffa.
Briffa et al. (1992) reconstructed summer temperatures at each of 23 grid point locations in the western U.S. and also presented regional-mean summer temperature reconstructions for 5 regions. In this study, summer temperature is the summer half-year (i.e. averaged over April-September).
Gridded summer temperature reconstructions. In "115" the data span 1850 - 1983. In "125" they span 1600 - 1983.
Filename | Size | Description |
osrreconout115.dat | 50kb | Data in normalised form. A line precedes each series, containing the mean and standard deviation. The data can be transformed into °C anomalies by multiplying each value by the standard deviation, adding the mean, subtracting 1000, then dividing by 10. This will give degree Celsius anomalies relative to the 1951-70 base period. |
osrreconout125.dat | 80kb | Data in normalised form. A line precedes each series, containing the mean and standard deviation. The data can be transformed into °C anomalies by multiplying each value by the standard deviation, adding the mean, subtracting 1000, then dividing by 10. This will give degree Celsius anomalies relative to the 1951-70 base period. |
osr115.dat | 57kb | Data in °C anomalies in a spreadsheet-style layout. |
osr125.dat | 93kb | Data in °C anomalies in a spreadsheet-style layout. |
Regional summer temperature reconstructions. Five series each spanning 1600 - 1982.
Filename | Size | Description |
wus1600.dat | 24kb | Data in °C anomalies relative to the 1881-1982 average |
As well as the temperature reconstructions given above, code and input data to produce these reconstructions is also available.
Briffa et al. (1988) reconstructed summer temperatures at each of 25 grid point locations in Europe and also presented regional-mean summer temperature reconstructions for 3 regions. In this study, summer temperature is the summer half-year (i.e. averaged over April-September).
Gridded summer temperature reconstructions. The data span 1750-1975 for 25 grid points.
Filename | Size | Description |
reconyears.dat | 60kb | Data in year-by-year shape maps. Values are °C anomalies relative to the 1951-1970 average. |
quat88ts.dat | 59kb | Data in timeseries form. Values are °C anomalies relative to the 1951-1970 average, in a spreadsheet-style layout. |
Regional summer temperature reconstructions. Three series (United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Central Europe) each spanning 1750-1975.
Filename | Size | Description |
centscanukrec.dat | 5kb | Data in °C anomalies relative to the 1951-1970 average |
These datasets are made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the datasets are licensed under the Database Contents License under the conditions of Attribution and Share-Alike.
Updated: May 2011