UEA ENV Climatic Research Unit Climate Data Pressure & Circulation

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North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index data provided here is the normalized pressure difference between Gibraltar and SW Iceland (Reykjavik) updated from Jones et al. (1997). Click the 'About' tab for more information.

The standard NAO index data file has been provided in the same format since 1998. This was supplemented by a version stored with 3 decimal places in 2017. The extra precision is provided for users who are making further calculations where rounding to the appropriate precision is best done at the end of the calculations.

Details of how CRU circulation indices are calculated is available here.

nao.dat19 kilobytesNAO index
nao_3dp.dat22 kilobytesNAO index (stored with 3 decimal places)
nao_azo.dat10 kilobytesSea-level pressure data for Ponta Delgada, Azores
nao_gib.dat15 kilobytesSea-level pressure data for Gibraltar
nao_ice.dat15 kilobytesSea-level pressure data for South-West Iceland

File format (NAO index)
for year = 1821 to endyear
  format(i5,12f7.2,f8.2) year, 12 * monthly value, annual value
Missing values represented by -99.99

File format (NAO index with 3 decimal places)
for year = 1821 to endyear
  format(i5,12f8.3,f8.3) year, 12 * monthly value, annual value
Missing values represented by -99.99

File format (Station sea-level pressure)
format(i1,i5,i5,a) ?,startyear,endyear,name
  for year = startyear to endyear
    format(i5,12i6) year, 12 * monthly value
Missing values represented by -10
Divide by 10 for millibars

Change log

Regular monthly updates are not listed individually


When using the NAO data, cite "Updated from Jones et al. (1997)". Main reference to cite when using this NAO index:

Related references:

Hurrell, J.W., 1995: Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and relationships to regional temperature and precipitation. Science 269, 676-679.

Osborn TJ (2004) Simulating the winter North Atlantic Oscillation: the roles of internal variability and greenhouse gas forcing. Clim. Dyn. 22, 605-623.

Osborn TJ (2006) Recent variations in the winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Weather 61, 353-355.

Osborn TJ (2011) Winter 2009/2010 temperatures and a record-breaking North Atlantic Oscillation index. Weather 66, 19-21.


These datasets are made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the datasets are licensed under the Database Contents License under the conditions of Attribution and Share-Alike.

Please use the attribution Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia

Updated: Feb 2025, Tim Osborn