Climatic Research Unit : Data : High-Resolution Datasets

CRU TS Version 4.08

This is an access point for v.4.08 of CRUTS, CRUCY and related files.

Please only use it if access via BADC is proving impossible.

Release_Notes_CRU_TS_4.08.txtREAD THIS FIRST!
cruts.2406270035.v4.08Main gridded data

comparisons_with_other_releasesComparisons with v4.07 and v4.08early - coming soon!

observation.v4.08Source observations

geGoogle Earth interface to v4.08

crucy.2407032054.v4.08Country-level spatial averages
(country definitions updated 2017)

code_archivesArchives of code etc for the runs

Last updated: August 2024, Ian Harris


These datasets are made available under the Open Government Licence.
You are free to use this dataset but you must acknowledge the source of the information.
Please use the attribution Climatic Research Unit (University of East Anglia) and Met Office.
If it is appropriate to give citations and/or website links, then please also cite the relevant publication (see data table above) and/or provide a link to this website.