This table contains
observed climate data for each of the 289 countries and territories.
Column 1
contains the country name, in alphabetical order.
Column 2
links to a web page that reports the average climate in 1961-1990 for all
nine climate variables.
Columns 3-7
link to five data files that contain the year-by-year variations in five variables for the period 1901-2000.
The year-by-year
variations in daily minimum temperature (Tmin) and daily maximum temperature
(Tmax) may be obtained from columns 3 (Tmean) and 5 (Trange) as follows:
Tmin = Tmean
- (Trange / 2)
Tmax = Tmean
+ (Trange / 2)
variations in frost day frequency and wet day frequency are not available.
Column 2
is a webpage: click to open it.
Columns 3-7
are text files. The way these files are viewed is browser-dependent. The best
method of manipulating the data is to save the file (as a text file) without
opening it, and then open the saved text file in a spreadsheet.