Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Wilkinson, A.J

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Warrick, R.A. and Wilkinson, A., 1990
“The enhanced greenhouse effect.”
In: The effects of sea-level rise on the UK coast (Eds. L.E.J. Roberts and R.C. Kay). UEA Environmental Risk Assessment Unit Report 7, National PowerGen contract CON/6010107/vs Final Report. School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
(keywords: greenhouse impacts global warming sea level UK CO2)

Wilkinson, A. and Warrick, R.A., 1990
“Sea level rise predictions.”
In: The Effects of Sea-Level Rise on the UK Coast (Eds. L.E.J. Roberts and R.C. Kay). UEA Environmental Risk Assessment Unit Report 7. National Power/PowerGen Contract CON/60107/VS Final Report, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
(keywords: sea level forecasting predictions global warming impacts)

Wilkinson, A.J. and Warrick, R.A., 1989
“Greenhouse-gas Policy Model: User's Guide.”
Final Report to CEGB (Contract Ref. 4391). Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
(keywords: greenhouse modelling political policy)

Last updated: February 2010