Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Walther, A

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Brunet, M., Saladie, O., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D., Walther, A. and Almarza, C., 2008
“A case study/guidance on the development of long-term dailt adjusted temperature datasets”
WCDMP-66/WMO-TD-1425, Geneva: 43 pp 43 pp

Brunet, M., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Saladie, O., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Della-Marta, P.M., Lister, D., Walther, A., and Lopez, D., 2007
“Temporal and spatial temperature variability and change over Spain during 1850-2005”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D12117, doi:10.1029/2006JD008249

Brunet, M., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D., Walther, A. and Almarza, C., 2007
“Guidance on the development of long-term daily adjusted temperature datasets: a case study”
WMO/WCDMP Technical Note, WMO, Geneva (in press)

Brunet, M., Sigro, J., Jones, P.D., Saladie, O., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D. and Walther, A., 2007
“Long-term changes in extreme temperatures and precipitation in Spain”
Contributions to Science, vol. 3, Issue 3 (in press)_

Moberg, A., Jones, P.D., Lister, D.H., Walther, A., Brunet, M. et al., 2006
“Indices for daily temperature and precipitation extremes in Europe analyzed for the period 1901-2000”
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 111, D22106, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007103

Brunet, M., Saladie, O., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D.H., Walther, A., Lopez, D. and Almarza, C., 2006
“The development of a new dataset of Spanish daily adjusted temperature series (SDATS) (1850-2003)”
International Journal of Climatology, 26 1777-1802

Last updated: February 2010