Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Tranter, M

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Pomeroy, J., Brown, G., Davies, T.D., Jones, G., Tranter, M., Peters, J., 2000
“Microscale spatial variation in the deposition of sea-salt components in snow in Celtic Mountains.”
In: Water in the Celtic World; managing resources for the 21st century (eds. Jones, J.A.A., Gilman, K., Jigorel, A. and Griffin, J.), British Hydrological Soc. Occasional Paper 11, 205-210 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, OX10 8EX.
(keywords: sea salt deposition atmospheric pollution)

Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1996
“Comment on 'The episodic acidification of Adirondack lakes during snowmelt' by Douglas A. Schaefer et al.”
Water Resources Research 32(2), 491-493
(keywords: acid rain lakes impacts pollution snow)

Evans, C., Davies, T.D., Wigington, P.J.Jr. and Tranter, M., 1996
“Use of factor analysis to investigate processes controlling the chemical composition of four streams in the Adirondack Mts., New York.”
Journ. Hydrol. 185, 297-316
(keywords: statistics methodology chemistry hydrology pollution impacts regional USA)

Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Wigington, P.J., 1995
“A two-component mixing model for predicting regional episodic acidification of surface waters during spring snowmelt periods.”
Water Resources Res. 31, 1011-1021
(keywords: modelling acid rain regional hydrology snow methodology)

Brown, G.H., Tranter, M., Sharp, M.J., Davies, T.D. and Tsiouris, S., 1994
“Dissolved oxygen variations in Alpine glacial meltwaters.”
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19, 247-253
(keywords: oxygen glaciology chemistry hydrology regional)

Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Wigington, P.J. and Eshleman, K.N., 1994
“Episodic acidification of surface waters in Canada.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollut. 72, 19-39
(keywords: acid rain hydrology Canada pollution)

Tranter, M., Lamb, H.R., Brown, G.H., Davies, T.D., Sharp, M.J. and Tsiouris, S., 1994
“The oxygen content of snow-icemelt: hydrological implications.”
Final Report to NERC (GR9/1018), 9pp.
(keywords: oxygen snow glaciology hydrology pollution acid rain)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Blackwood, I.L. and Abrahams, P.W., 1993
“The character and causes of a pronounced snowmelt-induced 'acidic episode' in a stream in a Scottish sub-Arctic catchment.”
Journal of Hydrology 146, 267-300
(keywords: snow acid rain precipitation Scotland impacts chemistry)

Abrahams, P.W., Davies, T.D., Jickells, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1993
“Multi-element geochemical analysis of snow samples: use of discriminant analysis in interpreting the results.”
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 27, 159-174
(keywords: chemistry geochemistry snow acid rain methodology pollution)

Jones, H.G., Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D., Marsh, P. and Tranter, M., 1993
“Snow-atmosphere interactions in Arctic snowpacks: net fluxes of NO3, SO4 and influence of solar radiation.”
In: Proc. Eastern Snow Conf. 50th annual meeting, Quebec City, June 1993, 255-264
(keywords: snow chemistry atmosphere pollution solar precipitation)

Jickells, T.D., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Landsberger, S., Jarvis, K. and Abrahams, P., 1992
“Trace elements in snow samples from the Scottish Highlands: sources and dissolved/particulate distributions.”
Atmos. Environ. 26A, 303-401
(keywords: snow chemistry pollution Scotland precipitation acid)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Jickells, T.D., Abrahams, P.W., Landsberger, S., Jarvis, K. and Pierce, C.E., 1992
“Heavily contaminated snowfalls in the remote Scottish Highlands: a consequence of regional-scale mixing and transport.”
Atmos. Environ. 26A, 95-112
(keywords: snow chemistry pollution precipitation climate change acid Scotland UK transport)

Tranter, M., Davies, T.D. and Tsiouris, S., 1992
“Laboratory experiments of rain-on-snow events.”
Hydrological Processes 6(2), 169-178
(keywords: snow methodology chemistry precipitation laboratory impacts climate change)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Wigington, P.J. and Eshleman, K., 1992
“Acidic episodes in surface waters in Europe.”
J. Hydrol. 132, 25-69
(keywords: acid rain precipitation hydrology Europe lakes pollution)

Zeman, Z., Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1992
“Changes in chemical composition of snow as a result of snowcover redistribution by wind.”
Ochrana ovzdusi. 6(24), 42-49
(keywords: chemistry snow precipitation transport wind pollution)

Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1992
“Modelling the episodic chemical response of surface waters to acid deposition.”
Environ. Pollut. 77, 287-295
(keywords: chemical deposition precipitation modelling lakes acid rain methodology)

Wigington, P.J., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1992
“Comparison of episodice acidification in Canada, Europe and the United States.”
Environ. Pollution 78, 29-35
(keywords: acid rain precipitation pollution Canada Europe USA methodology)

Jickells, T.D., Kane, M.M., Rendell, A., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Jarvis, K.E., 1992
“Applications of inductively coupled plasma techniques and preconcentration to the analysis of atmospheric precipitation.”
Analytical Proceedings 29, 288-291
(keywords: atmospheric chemistry precipitation methodology)

Wigington, P.J., Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Dewalle, D.R., Murdoch, P.S. and Kretser, W.A., 1992
“A conceptual model of episodic acidification.”
EOS 14(43), p.178
(keywords: acid rain pollution modelling methodology impacts)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Jones, H.G., 1991
“Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change.”
NATO ASI Series G., 471pp Springer-Verlag.
(keywords: snow chemistry precipitation climate change)

Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1991
“The impact of blowing snow on snow chemistry.”
In: Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change (Eds. T.D. Davies, M. Tranter, H.G. Jones), pp.71-114 Springer-Verlag
(keywords: snow chemistry impacts)

Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1991
“Relationships between snow chemistry and blowing snow: initial findings.”
In: Northern Hydrology: Selected Perspectives; Proc. Norther Hydrology Symp., 10-12 July 1990, Saskatoon (Eds. T. Prowse & C. Ommanney), pp.277-292 NHRI Symp, No. 6, National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Canada.
(keywords: snow chemistry impacts methodology)

Wigington, P.J., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1990
“Episodic acidification of surface waters due to acidic deposition.”
In: State of Science and State of Technology Summary Compendium. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, January 1990, Washington, D.C.
(keywords: acid rain hydrology deposition pollution)

Landsberger, S., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1990
“Trace metal and rare earth content of black precipitation events.”
Energy Sources 12, 363-369
(keywords: chemistry precipitation pollution)

Landsberger, S., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Abrahams, P.W. and Drake, J.J., 1989
“The solute and particulate chemistry of background versus a polluted black snowfall on the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland.”
Atmospheric Environment 23(2), 395-401
(keywords: chemistry pollution snow Scotland UK acid rain)

Jones, H.G., Tranter, M. and Davies, T.D., 1989
“The leaching of strong acid anions from snow during rain-on-snow events: evidence for two component mixing.”
In: Atmospheric Deposition, Proc. Baltimore Symposium, May 1989. pp.239-250 IAHS Publ. No. 179,
(keywords: chemistry precipitation snow pollution impacts)

Abrahams, P.W., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Blackwood, I.L., 1989
“Geochemical studies in a remote Scottish upland catchment. II. Streamwater chemistry during snowmelt.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 43(3/4), 231-249
(keywords: chemistry Scotland snow precipitation)

Wigington, P.D., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1989
“Episodic Acidification of Surface Waters due to Acidic Deposition.”
State of Science/Technology Report 12, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Washington, D.C. pp.278
(keywords: acid rain hydrology deposition chemistry impacts)

Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1989
“Studies of snow chemistry in the Scottish Highlands.”
In: Proc. Eastern Snow Conference, 46th Ann. Meeting, June 8-9 Quebec City, Canada. ISBN 0-920081-12-6, pp.1-13
(keywords: snow chemistry pollution Scotland UK impacts)

Tranter, M., Abrahams, P.W., Blackwood, I.L., Brimblecombe, P. and Davies, T.D., 1988
“The impact of a single black snowfall on streamwater chemistry in the Scottish highlands.”
Nature 332(6167), 826-829
(keywords: snow chemistry pollution Scotland impacts)

Abrahams, P.W., Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Blackwood, I.L. and Landsberger, S., 1988
“Trace element studies in a remote Scottish upland catchment. 1. Chemical composition of snow and meltwaters.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 37, 255-271
(keywords: Scotland snow pollution chemistry UK)

Brimblecombe, P., Clegg, S.L., Davies, T.D., Shooter, D. and Tranter, M., 1988
“The loss of halide and sulphate ions from melting ice.”
Water Res. 22(6), 693-700
(keywords: snow ice glaciology pollution chemistry impacts)

Brimblecombe, P., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1988
“The composition of precipitation and chemical evolution of air masses.”
In: Proc. WMO Conf. on Air Poll. Modelling and its Application (Vol. 3), 17-30 WMO/TD No. 187.
(keywords: air chemistry precipitation)

Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P., Blackwood, I.L., Tranter, M. and Abrahams, P.W., 1988
“Chemical composition of snow in the remote Scottish Highlands.”
In: Acid Deposition at High Elevation Sites (Eds. M.H. Unsworth and D. Fowler), pp.517-539 Kluwer Academic Publisher.
(keywords: chemistry snow pollution Scotland impacts UK)

Abrahams, P.W., Tranter, M. and Davies, T.D., 1988
“The trace element composition of stream and melt-waters at times of the spring-thaw in the Scottish Highlands.”
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 10, p.84
(keywords: chemistry hydrology glaciology Scotland UK)

Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P., Tranter, M., Tsiouris, S., Vincent, C.E. and Abrahams, I.L., 1987
“The removal of soluble ions from melting snowpacks.”
In: Seasonal Snowcovers: Physics, Chemistry, Hydrology (Eds. H.G. Jones and W.J. Orville-Thomas), pp.337-392 D. Reidel
(keywords: ions snow chemistry)

Tranter, M., Abrahams, P.W., Blackwood, I., Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P., Thompson, I.P. and Vincent, C.E., 1987
“Changes in stream-water chemistry during snowmelt.”
In: Seasonal Snowcovers: Physics, Chemistry, Hydrology (Eds. H.G. Jones and W.J. Orville-Thomas), pp.337-392 D. Reidel
(keywords: chemistry snow acid pollution precipitation impacts)

Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P., Abrahams, P. and Blackwood, I.L., 1987
“Spatial variability of the chemical composition of snow in a small, remote Scottish catchment.”
Atmospheric Environment 21, 853-862
(keywords: chemistry snow acid precipitation Scotland)

Brimblecombe, P., Clegg, S.L., Davies, T.D., Shooter, D. and Tranter, M., 1987
“Observations of the preferential loss of major ions from melting snow and laboratory ice.”
Water Resources 21(1), 1279-1286
(keywords: snow glaciology ice chemistry pollution methodology)

Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P. and Vincent, C.E., 1987
“The composition of acidic meltwaters during snowmelt in the Scottish Highlands.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 36(1-2), 75-90
(keywords: acid snow pollution Scotland UK chemistry)

Brimblecombe, P., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1986
“Nineteenth Century black Scottish showers.”
Atmospheric Environment 20(5), 1053-1057
(keywords: historical black snow precipitation pollution reconstruction)

Brimblecombe, P., Tranter, M., Tsiouris, S., Davies, T.D. and Vincent, C.E., 1986
“The chemical evolution of snow and meltwater.”
In: Modelling Snowmelt-induced Processes (Ed. E.M. Morris), pp.283-295 IAHS Publ. No. 155.
(keywords: chemistry snow pollution hydrology)

Tranter, M., Brimblecombe, P., Davies, T.D., Vincent, C.E., Abrahams, P.W. and Blackwood, I.L., 1986
“The composition of snowfall, snowpack and meltwater in the Scottish Highlands - evidence for preferential elution.”
Atmospheric Environment 20, 517-525
(keywords: snow acid pollution Scotland UK chemistry)

Tranter, M., Brimblecombe, P., Abrahams, P.W., Blackwood, I., Davies, T.D. and Vincent, C.E., 1985
“The chemical composition of snow at a rural upland site in mid-Wales.”
Atmospheric Environment 19(5), p.841
(keywords: snow Wales precipitation chemistry pollution impacts)

Abrahams, P.W., Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Blackwood, I.L., Brimblecombe, P. and Vincent, C.E., 1985
“The mobilization of trace elements in a remote Scottish catchment at the onset of snowmelt.”
In: Trace Elements in Environmental Health (Ed. D.D. Hemphill), pp.67-78 University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.
(keywords: chemistry Scotland pollution snow)

Tranter, M., Brimblecombe, P., Davies, T.D., Abrahams, P.W., Blackwood, I.L., Fernandes, A. and Vincent, C.E., 1985
“Particulates in acidic snow from the Cairngorms, Scotland.”
Annals of Glaciology 1(7), p.215
(keywords: acid snow chemistry Scotland UK precipitation pollution)

Tranter, M., Brimblecombe, P., Davies, T.D. and Vincent, C.E., 1985
“Composition of meltwaters and preferential elution of solute from snowpack.”
EOS 66, p.896
(keywords: acid snow precipitation pollution impacts chemistry)

Davies, T.D., Abrahams, P.W., Tranter, M., Blackwood, I., Brimblecombe, P. and Vincent, C.E., 1984
“Black acidic snow in the remote Scottish Highlands.”
Nature 312, 58-61
(keywords: acid snow pollution Scotland UK deposition impacts)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Wigington, P.D., Eshleman, K.N., Peters, N.E., van Sickle, J., DeWalle, D.R. and Murdoch, P. (in press), ----
“Prediction of episodic acidification with an empirical-mechanistic model.”
Hydrological Processes.
(keywords: acid rain pollution prediction modelling methodology impacts)

Last updated: February 2010