Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Shein, K.A

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Rainbird, P., Shein, K.A., Hannah, P. and Palutikof, J.P., 1997
“Prediction of extreme windspeeds at wind energy sites.”
In: Proc. 1996 European Union Wind Energy Conf., Gothenburg, 20-24 May 1996 (A. Zervos, H. Ehmann and P. Helm, Eds.), pp.600-603 H.S. Stephens & Associates, Bedford. ISBN 0-952-14529-4. (R)
(keywords: prediction wind energy speed)

Hannah, P., Rainbird, P., Palutikof, J. and Shein, K., 1996
“Prediction of extreme wind speeds at wind energy sites.”
Energy Technology Support Unit, Harwell, ETSU W/11/00427/REP.
(keywords: wind speed prediction energy methodology)

Last updated: February 2010