Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Selinger, F

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Kington, J.A. and Selinger, F., 2006
“The development and use of weather buoys 1940-2005”
Weather 61 164-166
(keywords: meteorology synoptic history weather buoys)

Kington, J.A. and Selinger, F., 2006
“Lindenberg Observatory meteorological flights and early studies of upper-level winds”
Meteorologishe Zeitschrift 15 675-679
(keywords: meteorology synoptic history historical meteorological flights upper-wind studies)

Kington, J.A. and Selinger, F., 2006
“Wekusta: Luftwaffe Weather Reconnaissance Units & Operations 1938-1945”
Flight Recorder Publications, Ottringham, U.K. 256
(keywords: meteorology synoptic history historical meteorological reconnassaince book)

Last updated: February 2010