Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Schuepbach, E

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Luterbacher, J., Rickli, R. and 32 others, including Schupbach, E., Davies, T.D., Jones, P.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Barring, L., 2000
“Monthly mean pressure reconstruction for the Late Maunder Minimum Period (AD 1675-1715).”
International Journal of Climatology 20, 1049-1066
(keywords: pressure datasets reconstruction Maunder Minimum historical records proxy)

Schuepbach, E., Davies, T.D., Massacand, A.C. and Wernli, H., 1999c
“Mesoscale modelling of vertical atmospheric transport in the Alps associated with the advection of a tropopause fold - a winter ozone episode.”
Atmospheric Environment 33(22), 3613-3626
(keywords: modelling atmospheric pollution Alps tropopause ozone mesoscale Europe)

Schuepbach, E., Davies, T.D. and Massacand, A.C., 1999
“An unusual springtime ozone episode at high elevation in the Swiss Alps; contributions both from cross-tropopause exchange and from the boundary layer.”
Atmospheric Environment 33, 1735-1744
(keywords: ozone pollution tropopause synoptic Switzerland Europe transport)

Schuepbach, E., Davies, T.D., Massacand, A.C. and Wernli, H., 1996
“A numerical simulation of stratospheric intrusion and an associated nordfoehr in the European Alps, and validation with observations.”
Bulletin American Meteorological Society, 277-279
(keywords: modelling stratosphere statistics wind observations validation regional Europe)

Schuepbach, E., Massacand, A.C., Wernli, H., Davies, T.D. and Davies, H.C., 1996
“A numerical simulation of a stratospheric intrusion and an associated nordfoehn in the European Alps, and validation with observations.”
Preprints Seventh Conference on Mesoscale Processes (American & British Meteorological Society), Sept. 9-13, 1996, Reading, U.K., pp.277-279
(keywords: modelling stratosphere Europe Alps observations methodology)

Schuepbach, E., Davies, T.D., Toupance, G. and Volz-Thomas, A., 1996
“The historical ozone record at Montsouris: Reporting new data, and the links with atmospheric circulations.”
XVIII Quadrenn. Ozone Symposium, L'Aquila, Italy, 12-21 Sept., 1996, p.477
(keywords: historical records Europe data sets atmospheric circulation)

Davies, T.D. and Schuepbach, E., 1994
“Episodes of high ozone concentrations at the Earth's surface resulting from transport down from the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere.”
Atmos. Environ. 28(1), 53-68
(keywords: ozone pollution impacts troposphere stratosphere atmosphere)

Schuepbach, E. and Davies, T.D., 1993
“A case study with vertical downward mixing of upper atmospheric ozone in the Swiss Alps.”
Annales Geophysicae, Part II: Oceans, Atmosphere, Hydrology and Nonlinear Geophysics. Supplement II to Volume 11, C230.
(keywords: atmosphere ozone Switzerland chemistry regional methodology)

Last updated: February 2010