Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Pomeroy, J.W

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Pomeroy, J., Brown, G., Davies, T.D., Jones, G., Tranter, M., Peters, J., 2000
“Microscale spatial variation in the deposition of sea-salt components in snow in Celtic Mountains.”
In: Water in the Celtic World; managing resources for the 21st century (eds. Jones, J.A.A., Gilman, K., Jigorel, A. and Griffin, J.), British Hydrological Soc. Occasional Paper 11, 205-210 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, OX10 8EX.
(keywords: sea salt deposition atmospheric pollution)

Pomeroy, J.W., Marsh, P., Jones, H.G. and Davies, T.D., 1995
“Spatial distribution of snow chemical load at the tundra-taiga transition.”
In: Biogeochemistry of seasonally snow-covered catchments. IAHS Publ. 228.
(keywords: snow chemistry methodology)

Jones, H.G., Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D., Marsh, P. and Tranter, M., 1993
“Snow-atmosphere interactions in Arctic snowpacks: net fluxes of NO3, SO4 and influence of solar radiation.”
In: Proc. Eastern Snow Conf. 50th annual meeting, Quebec City, June 1993, 255-264
(keywords: snow chemistry atmosphere pollution solar precipitation)

Zeman, Z., Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1992
“Changes in chemical composition of snow as a result of snowcover redistribution by wind.”
Ochrana ovzdusi. 6(24), 42-49
(keywords: chemistry snow precipitation transport wind pollution)

Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1991
“The impact of blowing snow on snow chemistry.”
In: Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change (Eds. T.D. Davies, M. Tranter, H.G. Jones), pp.71-114 Springer-Verlag
(keywords: snow chemistry impacts)

Pomeroy, J.W., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1991
“Relationships between snow chemistry and blowing snow: initial findings.”
In: Northern Hydrology: Selected Perspectives; Proc. Norther Hydrology Symp., 10-12 July 1990, Saskatoon (Eds. T. Prowse & C. Ommanney), pp.277-292 NHRI Symp, No. 6, National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Canada.
(keywords: snow chemistry impacts methodology)

Last updated: February 2010