Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Murdoch, P.S

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Wigington, P.J., Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Dewalle, D.R., Murdoch, P.S. and Kretser, W.A., 1992
“A conceptual model of episodic acidification.”
EOS 14(43), p.178
(keywords: acid rain pollution modelling methodology impacts)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Wigington, P.D., Eshleman, K.N., Peters, N.E., van Sickle, J., DeWalle, D.R. and Murdoch, P. (in press), ----
“Prediction of episodic acidification with an empirical-mechanistic model.”
Hydrological Processes.
(keywords: acid rain pollution prediction modelling methodology impacts)

Last updated: February 2010