Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Milionis, A.E

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Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 2008
“The effect of the prevailing weather on the statistics of atmospheric temperature inversions.”
International Journal of Climatology 28. doi:10.1002/joc.1613 1385-1397

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 2008
“A comparison of temperature inversion statistics at a coastal and non-coastal location influenced by the same synoptic regime.”
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 94 (3-4). doi:10.1007/s00704-007-0356-7. 225-239

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 2002
“Associations between atmospheric temperature inversions and vertical wind profiles: a preliminary assessment.”
Meteorol. Appl. 9(02), 223-228
(keywords: temperature inversions wind profiles)

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 1994
“Box-Jenkins univariate modelling for climatological time series analysis: an application to the monthly activity of temperature inversions.”
Int. J. Climatol. 14, 569-579
(keywords: modelling statistics climate change time series temperature)

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 1994
“Regression and stochastic models for air pollution, Part 1: Review, comments and suggestions.”
Atmos. Environ. 28(17), 2801-2810
(keywords: statistics modelling air pollution methodology)

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 1994
“Regression and stochastic models for air pollution, Part 2: Application of stochastic models to examine the links between ground level smoke concentrations and temperature inversions.”
Atmos. Environ. 28(17), 2811-2822
(keywords: modelling statistics methodology air pollution atmosphere temperature)

Milionis, A.E. and Davies, T.D., 1992
“A five-year climatology of elevated inversions at Hemsby, U.K.”
Int. J. Climatol. 12, 205-215
(keywords: climate change regional UK impacts)

Last updated: February 2010