Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Koek, F.B

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Garcia-Herrera,R., Konnen,G.P., Wheeler,D.A., Preito, M.R., Jones,P.D. and Koek,F.B., 2006
“Ship logbooks help analyze pre-instrumental climate”
EOS, 87 173 and 180

Wheeler, D., Garcia-Herrera, R., Koek, F.B., Wilkinson, C., konnen, G., Prieto, M., Jones, P.D., and Casale, R., 2006
“CLIWOC, Climatological Database for the World's Oceans: 1750 to 1850, Results of a research project (European Union, Brussels, 2006).”

Garcia-Herrera, R., Konnen, G.P., Wheeler, D., Prieto, M.R., Jones, P.D. and Koek, F.B., 2005
“CLIWOC: A climatological database for the world's oceans 1750-1854.”
Climatic Change, 73 1-2, 1-12

Garcia-Herrera, R., Wilkinson, C., Koek, F.B., Prieto, M., Calvo, Hernandez., 2005
“Description and general background to Ships' Logbooks as a Source of Climatic Data.”
Climatic Change, 73

Last updated: February 2010