Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Jones, A

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Tett, S.F.B., Betts, R., Crowley, T.J., Gregory, J., Johns, T.C., Jones, A., Osborn, T.J., Ostrom, E., Roberts, D.L. and Woodage, M.J., 2007
“The impact of natural and anthropogenic forcings on climate and hydrology since 1550.”
Climate Dynamic, 28 (doi:10.1007/s00382-006-0165-1). 3-34

Hanson, C., Palutikof, J., Jones, A. and Holt, T., 2002
“Objective Cyclone Climatologies of the North Atlantic using NCEP/NCAR and ECMWF Reanalyses: Implications for the UK Insurance Industry.”
In: Proc. 13th Conference on Applied Climatology, 13-16 May 2002, Portland, Oregon. American Meteorological Society
(keywords: cyclone climatologies North Atlantic Oceans modelling impacts extreme events storms UK insurance)

Last updated: February 2010