Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Hunova, I

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Bridgman, H.A., Davies, T.D., Jickells, T.D., Keder, J., Bridges, K.S., Hunova, I., Zeman, Z. and Surapipith, V., 2003
“Meteorological controls on fog events in the Krusne Hory region, NW Czech Republic; a case study.”
Meteorological Journal 5(3), 7-15 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava.
(keywords: meteorology fog Czechoslovakia Czech Republic Europe)

Bridges, K.S., Jickells, T.D., Davies, T.D., Zeman, Z. and Hunova, I., 2002
“Aerosol, precipitation and cloud water chemistry observations on the Czech Krusne Hory plateau adjacent to a heavily industrialised valley.”
Atmospheric Environment 36, 353-360
(keywords: aerosol precipitation cloud water chemistry observations Czechoslovakia Czech Republic pollution industrialisation)

Last updated: February 2010