Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Haylock, M.R

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Haylock, M.R., Hofstra, N., Klein Tank, A.M.G., Klok, E.J., Jones, P.D. and New, M., 2008
“A European daily high-resolution gridded data set of surface temperature and precipitation for 1950-2006.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D20119, doi:10.1029/2008JD010201

Hostra, N., Haylock, M.R., New, M., Jones, P.D. and Frei, C., 2008
“Comparison of six methods for the interpolation of daily European climate data.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D21110, doi:10.1029/2008JD010100

Stephenson, T.S., Goodess, C.M., Haylock, M.R., Chen, A.A. and Taylor, M.A., 2008
“Detecting inhomogeneities in Caribbean and adjacent Caribbean temperature data using sea-surface temperatures.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D21116, doi:10.1029/2007JD009127.

Schmidli, J., Goodess, C.M., Frei, C., Haylock, M.R., Hundecha, Y., Ribalaygua, J. and Schmith, T., 2007
“Statistical and dynamical downscaling of precipitation: An evaluation and comparison of scenarios for the European Alps.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, D04105, doi: 10.1029/2005JD007026

Haylock, M.R., Jones, P.D., Allan, R.J. and Ansell, T.J., 2007
“Decadal changes in 1870-2004 Northern Hemisphere winter sea level pressure variability and its relationship with surface temperature.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D11103, doi:10.1029/2006JD007291

Della-Marta, P.M., Haylock, M.R., Luterbacher, J., and Wanner, H., 2007
“Doubled length of western Europe summer heat waves since 1880.”
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, D15103, doi:10.1029/2007JD008510

Haylock, M.R., Cawley, G.C., Harpham, C., Wilby, R.L. and Goodess, C.M., 2006
“Downscaling Heavy Precipitation over the United Kingdom: A comparison of dynamical and statistical methods and their future scenarios”
International Journal of Climatology, 26 1397-1415

Haylock, M.R. et al, 2006
“Trends in total and extreme South American rainfall 1960-2000 and links with sea surface temperature.”
Journal of Climate, 19 1490-1512

Alexander,Lv., Zhang,X., Peterson,Tc., Caesar,J., Gleason,G., Klein Tank,A., Haylock,M. et al, 2006
“Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D05109, doi:10.1029/2005JD006290

Alexander, L.V., Zhang, X., Peterson, T.C., Caesar, J., Gleason, B., Klein Tank, A.M.G., Haylock, M., Vazquez-Aguirre, J.L. and others, 2006
“Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation.”
Journal opf Geophysical Research, 111, D05109, doi:10.1029/2005JD006290

Haylock, M.R. and Goodess, C.M., 2004
“Interannual variability of European extreme winter rainfall and links with mean large-scale circulation.”
International Journal of Climatology 24, 759-776 Royal Meteorological Society (R)
(keywords: Europe impacts extreme events rainfall precipitation circulation variability)

Cawley, G.C., Haylock, M., Dorling, S.R., Goodess, C. and Jones, P.D., 2003
“Statistical downscaling with artificial neural networks.”
ESANN-2003, Bruges Belgium, April 2003. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.167-172
(keywords: statistics downscaling neural networks methodology)

Last updated: February 2010