Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Hantemirov, R.M

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Briffa, K.R., Shishov, V.V., Melvin, T.M., Vaganov, E.A., Grudd, H., Hantemirov, R.M., Eronen, M. and Naurxbaev, M.M., 2007
“Trends in recent temperature and radial tree growth spanning 2000 years across northwest Eurasia”
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.2119
(keywords: climate change; Eurasia; tree-ring chronology; temperature)

Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Schweingruber, F.H., Briffa, K.R. and Moell, M., 1996
“Potential long-chronology development on the Northwest Siberian Plain: early results.”
Dendrochronologia 14, 13-29 (R)
(keywords: dendro historical proxy climate change data Europe)

Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Schweingruber, F.H., Briffa, K.R. and Loosli, H.H., 1995
“The potential for developing long-term tree-ring chronologies on the northwestern Siberian plain.”
(manuscript in preparation)

Last updated: February 2010