Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Eshleman, K.N

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Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Wigington, P.J., 1995
“A two-component mixing model for predicting regional episodic acidification of surface waters during spring snowmelt periods.”
Water Resources Res. 31, 1011-1021
(keywords: modelling acid rain regional hydrology snow methodology)

Tranter, M., Davies, T.D., Wigington, P.J. and Eshleman, K.N., 1994
“Episodic acidification of surface waters in Canada.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollut. 72, 19-39
(keywords: acid rain hydrology Canada pollution)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Wigington, P.J. and Eshleman, K., 1992
“Acidic episodes in surface waters in Europe.”
J. Hydrol. 132, 25-69
(keywords: acid rain precipitation hydrology Europe lakes pollution)

Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D. and Tranter, M., 1992
“Modelling the episodic chemical response of surface waters to acid deposition.”
Environ. Pollut. 77, 287-295
(keywords: chemical deposition precipitation modelling lakes acid rain methodology)

Wigington, P.J., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1992
“Comparison of episodice acidification in Canada, Europe and the United States.”
Environ. Pollution 78, 29-35
(keywords: acid rain precipitation pollution Canada Europe USA methodology)

Wigington, P.J., Eshleman, K.N., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Dewalle, D.R., Murdoch, P.S. and Kretser, W.A., 1992
“A conceptual model of episodic acidification.”
EOS 14(43), p.178
(keywords: acid rain pollution modelling methodology impacts)

Wigington, P.J., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1990
“Episodic acidification of surface waters due to acidic deposition.”
In: State of Science and State of Technology Summary Compendium. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, January 1990, Washington, D.C.
(keywords: acid rain hydrology deposition pollution)

Wigington, P.D., Davies, T.D., Tranter, M. and Eshleman, K.N., 1989
“Episodic Acidification of Surface Waters due to Acidic Deposition.”
State of Science/Technology Report 12, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Washington, D.C. pp.278
(keywords: acid rain hydrology deposition chemistry impacts)

Davies, T.D., Tranter, M., Wigington, P.D., Eshleman, K.N., Peters, N.E., van Sickle, J., DeWalle, D.R. and Murdoch, P. (in press), ----
“Prediction of episodic acidification with an empirical-mechanistic model.”
Hydrological Processes.
(keywords: acid rain pollution prediction modelling methodology impacts)

Last updated: February 2010