Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Dukes, M.D.G

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Adcock, S.T., Dukes, M.D.G., Goodess, C.M. and Palutikof, J.P., 1997
“A critical review of the climate literature relevant to the deep disposal of radioactive waste.”
Science Report No. S/97/009, UK NIREX Ltd. 294pp. ISBN 1 84029 031 5.
(keywords: radioactive waste climate pollution)

Dukes, M.D.G. and Palutikof, J.P., 1995
“Estimation of extreme wind speeds with very long return periods.”
Journal of Applied Meteorology 34, 1950-1961 (R)
(keywords: wind energy methodology historical)

Halliday, J., Anderson, M., Palutikof, J., Watson, S., Dunbabin, P., Bunn, J., Dukes, M. and Surgey, I., 1995
“Assessment of the Accuracy of the DTI's Database of UK Wind Speeds.”
Energy Technology Support Unit, Harwell, ETSU W/11/00401/REP. 171pp + appendices.
(keywords: wind speed energy UK validation)

Last updated: February 2010