Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Dorling, S.R

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Blenkinsop, S., Jones, P.D., Dorling, S.R. and Osborn, T.J., 2008
“Observed and modelled influence of atmospheric circulation on central England temperature extremes.”
International Journal of Climatology 29, 1642-1660

Cawley, G.C., Haylock, M., Dorling, S.R., Goodess, C. and Jones, P.D., 2003
“Statistical downscaling with artificial neural networks.”
ESANN-2003, Bruges Belgium, April 2003. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.167-172
(keywords: statistics downscaling neural networks methodology)

Dorling, S.R. and Davies, T.D., 1996
“Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring at the Burren and Capard 1985-1994.”
Final Report to the Electricity Supply Board, Ireland, 150pp
(keywords: chemistry precipitation observations)

Dorling, S.R. and Davies, T.D., 1995
“Precipitation chemistry monitoring at the Burren and Capard.”
Final Report to the Electricity Supply Board, Dublin, 105pp University of East Anglia.
(keywords: precipitation chemistry methodology observations)

Dorling, S.R. and Davies, T.D., 1995
“Extending cluster analysis - synoptic meteorology links to characterise chemical climates at six north-west European monitoring stations.”
Atmospheric Environment 29(2), 145-167
(keywords: cluster analysis statistics methodology synoptic meteorology chemistry climate change Europe observations)

Jones, J., Davies, T.D., Dorling, S., Viner, D., 1995
“Modelling environmental variables from the output of General Circulation Models.”
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 1569-1574
(keywords: modelling GCMs statistics methodology)

Dorling, S.R. and Davies, T.D., 1994
“Linking cluster analysis with synoptic meteorology to characterise chemical climates at six north-west European monitoring stations.”
In: Eighth Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, pp.119-126 Americal Meteorlogical Society, Nashville, TN.
(keywords: cluster statistics synoptic meteorology chemistry climate change Europe)

Davies, T.D. and Dorling, S.R., 1993
“Estimates of the annual wet deposition of EMEP stations using a simple model.”
In: Pollutant Transport and Deposition Modelling: Report on the Conclusions of the National Forum (Mason, Sir John), pp.21-23 IC Consultants Ltd., Sherfield Bldg., London SW7 2AZ
(keywords: deposition precipitation acid rain pollution impacts)

Davies, T.D., Pierce, C.E. and Dorling, S.R., 1992
“Towards an assessment of the influence of climate on wet acidic deposition in Europe.”
Environ. Pollut. 75, 111-119
(keywords: climate change deposition precipitation Europe chemistry snow)

Dorling, S.R., Davies, T.D. and Pierce, C.E., 1992
“Cluster analysis and the meteorological controls influencing precipitation chemistry at Eskdalemuir, Scotland.”
In: Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange, Vol. 3 Applications and Appraisals (Eds. S.E. Schwartz and W.G.N. Slinn), pp.1521-1532 Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington.
(keywords: statistics meteorology precipitation chemistry Scotland UK)

Dorling, S.R. and Davies, T.D., 1992
“Cluster analysis: A technique for estimating the synoptic meteorological controls on air and precipitation chemistry - method and applications.”
Atmos. Environ. 26A, 2575-2581
(keywords: cluster analysis statistics meteorology precipitation chemistry methodology)

Dorling, S.R., Davies, T.D. and Pierce, C.E., 1992
“Cluster analysis: A technique for estimating the synoptic meteorological controls on air and precipitation chemistry - results from Eskdalemuir, South Scotland.”
Atmos. Environ. 26A, 2583-2602
(keywords: cluster analysis statistics methodology meteorology air precipitation chemistry Scotland UK)

Davies, T.D., Dorling, S.R., Pierce, C.E., Barthelmie, R.J. and Farmer, G., 1991
“The meteorological control on the anthropogenic ion content of precipitation at three sites in the UK: the utility of Lamb weather types.”
International Journal of Climatology 11, 795-807
(keywords: precipitation climate UK LWTs chemistry regional Europe chemistry)

Davies, T.D., Barthelmie, R.J., Varley, M., Dorling, S., Farmer, G. and Schaug, J., 1990
“European Precipitation Chemistry Atlas, Volume 2.”
EMEP/CCC-Report 6/90, 167pp Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Lillestr m, Norway.
(keywords: precipitation Europe chemistry book atlas)

Last updated: February 2010