Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Beresford, A.K.C

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Vincent, C.E., Davies, T.D., Brimblecombe, P. and Beresford, A.K.C., 1989
“Lake levels and glaciers: Indicators of the changing rainfall in the mountains of East Africa.”
In: Quaternary and Environmental Research on East African Mountains (Ed. Mahaney, W.C.), 483pp. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 6191 794 8.
(keywords: hydrology lakes glaciology precipitation climate change)

Davies, T.D., Vincent, C.E. and Beresford, A.K.C., 1985
“July-August rainfall in west-central Kenya.”
Journal of Climatology 5, 17-34
(keywords: precipitation rainfall Kenya climate change impacts)

Beresford, A.K.C., Davies, T.D. and Vincent, C.E., 1981
“Rift valley lakes record East Africa's climate.”
Geographical Magazine, 976-980
(keywords: lakes proxy climate change Africa)

Vincent, C.E., Davies, T.D. and Beresford, A., 1979
“Recent changes in the level of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, as an indicator of Equatorial Westerlies over East Africa.”
Climatic Change 2, 175-189
(keywords: lakes Kenya weather Africa detection)

Last updated: February 2010