Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Almarza, C

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Brunet, M., Saladie, O., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D., Walther, A. and Almarza, C., 2008
“A case study/guidance on the development of long-term dailt adjusted temperature datasets”
WCDMP-66/WMO-TD-1425, Geneva: 43 pp 43 pp

Brunet, M., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D., Walther, A. and Almarza, C., 2007
“Guidance on the development of long-term daily adjusted temperature datasets: a case study”
WMO/WCDMP Technical Note, WMO, Geneva (in press)

Brunet, M., Saladie, O., Jones, P.D., Sigro, J., Aguilar, E., Moberg, A., Lister, D.H., Walther, A., Lopez, D. and Almarza, C., 2006
“The development of a new dataset of Spanish daily adjusted temperature series (SDATS) (1850-2003)”
International Journal of Climatology, 26 1777-1802

Last updated: February 2010