Climatic Research Unit : Publications : By author

Publications list for Allen, M.R

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Juckes, M.N., Allen, M.R., Briffa, K.R., Esper, J., Hegerl, G.C., Moberg, A., Osborn, T.J. and Weber, S.L., 2007
“Millennial temperature reconstruction intercomparison and evaluation.”
Climate of the Past, 3 591-609

Hegerl, G.C., Karl, T.R., Allen, M.R., Bindoff, N.L., Gillett, N.P., Karoly, D.J., Zhang, X., and Zwiers, F.W., 2006
“Climate change detection and attribution: Beyond mean temperature signals”
Journal of Climate, 19 5058-5077

Thorne, P.W., Jones, P.D., Tett, S.F.B., Allen, M.R., Parker, D.E., Stott, P.A., Jones, G.S., Osborn, T.J. and Davies, T.D., 2003
“Probable causes of late twentieth century tropospheric temperature trends.”
Climate Dynamics 21, 573-591 Springer Verlag. DOI 10.1007/s00382-003-0353-1 (R)
(keywords: troposphere temperature trends historical causes)

Thorne, P.W., Jones, P.D., Osborn, T.J., Davies, T.D., Tett, S.F.B., Parker, D.E., Stott, P.A., Jones, G.S. and Allen, M.R., 2002
“Assessing the robustness of zonal mean climate change detection.”
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (doi:10.1029/2002GL0015717), xxxx-yyyy
(keywords: climate change detection)

Gillett, N.P., Allen, M.R., Williams, K.D., 2002
“Modelling the atmospheric response to doubled CO2 and depleted stratospheric ozone using a stratospher-resolving coupled GCM”
Q.J.R. Meteorol Soc.(2003) 129 947-966 R
(keywords: Ozone depletion, Antartic Oscillation, Artic Oscillation Climate Change, Climate sensitivity, models)

Gillett, N.P., Zwiers, F.L., Weaver, A.J., Hegerl, G.C., Allen, M.R., Stott, P.A., 2002
“Detecting anthropogenic influence with a multi-model ensemble”
Geophysical Research Letters Vol 29,NO.20,1970,doi:10.1029/2002GL015836 R
(keywords: greenhouse gas, human, seasonal predictions, atmospheric variables)

Gillett, N.P., Allen, M.R. and Williams, K.D., 2002
“The role of stratospheric resolution in simulating the Arctic Oscillation response to greenhouse gases.”
Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (10) doi: 10.1029/2001GL014444

Gillett, N.P., Allen, M.R., McDonald, R.E., Senior, C.A., Shindell, D.T. and Schmidt, G.A., 2002
“How linear is the Arctic Oscillation response to greenhouse gases?”
Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D3) doi: 10.1029/2001JD000589

Gillett, N.P., Hegerl, G.C., Allen, M.R., Stott, P.A., 2000
“Implications of changes in the Northern Hemisphere circulation for the detection of anthropogenic climate change”
Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (7) doi: 10.1029/1999GL010981 993-996 American Geophysical Union
(keywords: Northern Hemisphere Circulation Human Climate Change Impacts Global Warming REPRINTS[ R)

Gillett, N.P., Allen, M.R. and Tett, S.F.B., 2000
“Modelled and observed variability in atmospheric vertical temperature structure”
Clim. Dyn., 16 49-61

Last updated: February 2010