With funding from SNIFFER, Jones and Lister (2004) developed monthly temperature series for three regions:
These series were based on eight long station or composite-station records, for monthly means of daily mean, maximum and minimum temperature. The series begin in 1800 (SMT, mean temperature), 1827 (SIT, mean temperature), 1844 (NIT, mean, minimum and maximum temperature), and 1866 (SMT and SIT for maximum and minimum temperature) and then originally all ran to 2002 (Jones and Lister, 2004). All series were subsequently updated to 2004. See Jones and Lister (2004) for a discussion of the reliability of the series, especially the earlier portions.
Files are provided with both actual (absolute) temperatures and with differences from the 1961-1990 mean (anomalies).
File format |
for year = startyear to endyear format(i5,12i6,i6) year, 12 * monthly value, annual value |
Missing values represented by -999 Divide absolute temperature files by 10 for °C Divide anomaly temperature files by 100 for °C anomalies Anomalies are differences from the 1961-1990 mean |
Filename | Description |
SNIFFER.tar | tar file containing all series (or click individual files below) |
smtmabs18002004.dat | SMT mean temperature absolute |
smtmanom18002004.dat | SMT mean temperature anomalies |
smtnabs18662004.dat | SMT minimum temperature absolute |
smtnanom18662004.dat | SMT minimum temperature anomalies |
smtxabs18662004.dat | SMT maximum temperature absolute |
smtxanom18662004.dat | SMT maximum temperature anomalies |
sitmabs18272004.dat | SIT mean temperature absolute |
sitmanom18272004.dat | SIT mean temperature anomalies |
sitnabs18662004.dat | SIT minimum temperature absolute |
sitnanom18662004.dat | SIT minimum temperature anomalies |
sitxabs18662004.dat | SIT maximum temperature absolute |
sitxanom18662004.dat | SIT maximum temperature anomalies |
nitmabs18442004.dat | NIT mean temperature absolute |
nitmanom18442004.dat | NIT mean temperature anomalies |
nitnabs18442004.dat | NIT minimum temperature absolute |
nitnanom18442004.dat | NIT minimum temperature anomalies |
nitxabs18442004.dat | NIT maximum temperature absolute |
nitxanom18442004.dat | NIT maximum temperature anomalies |
These datasets are made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the datasets are licensed under the Database Contents License under the conditions of Attribution and Share-Alike.
Updated: June 2017, Tim Osborn and David Lister