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About the "Schweingruber tree-ring data set"

During the 1980s and 1990s, Fritz Schweingruber (Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf), together with a number of colleagues, collected tree-core samples from hundreds of sites across the Northern Hemisphere, which were processed and measured to obtain a range of tree-growth parameters, including total ring width (TRW) and maximum latewood density (MXD).

Because much of the data collection and processing was carried out by, or under the direction of, Fritz Schweingruber the data set is sometimes called the "Schweingruber network of tree-ring data". These data are available from the WSL-Birmensdorf Tree Ring Data 2000 page at the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), part of the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, hosted by the US National Climatic Data Center.

Various subsets of this data set have been used in a number of studies published by Keith Briffa, Tim Osborn and other colleagues at the Climatic Research Unit (see below for references). In particular, the focus of our work has been mostly on data measured from tree-core samples that were collected at relatively cool and moist sites. These sites are generally at high elevation or high latitude, covering much of the Northern Hemisphere between 20 and 75°N.

This webpage provides further details about the particular subsets of data used in some of these studies.

Briffa et al. (1998a, Nature) full reference
Reduced sensitivity of recent tree-growth to temperature at high northern latitudes

Briffa et al. (1998b, Nature) full reference
Influence of volcanic eruptions on Northern Hemisphere summer temperature over the past 600 years

Briffa et al. (2002a, The Holocene) full reference
Tree-ring width and density data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 1, local and regional climate signals

Briffa et al. (2001, Journal of Geophysical Research) full reference
Low-frequency temperature variations from a northern tree-ring-density network

Rutherford et al. (2005, Journal of Climate) full reference
Proxy-based Northern Hemisphere surface temperature reconstructions: sensitivity to method, predictor network, target season and target domain


Osborn TJ, Briffa KR and Jones PD (1997) Adjusting variance for sample-size in tree-ring chronologies and other regional-mean timeseries. Dendrochronologia 15, 89-99.
Briffa KR, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (1998a) Reduced sensitivity of recent tree growth to temperature at high northern latitudes. Nature 391, 678-682.
Briffa KR, Jones PD, Schweingruber FH and Osborn TJ (1998b) Influence of volcanic eruptions on Northern Hemisphere summer temperature over the past 600 years. Nature 393, 450-455.
Briffa KR, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Harris IC, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (1998c) Trees tell of past climates: but are they speaking less clearly today? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 353, 65-73.
Briffa KR and Osborn TJ (1999) Seeing the wood from the trees. Science 284, 926-927.
Osborn TJ and Briffa KR (2000) Revisiting timescale-dependent reconstruction of climate from tree-ring chronologies. Dendrochronologia 18, 9-26.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH, Harris IC, Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2001) Low-frequency temperature variations from a northern tree-ring-density network. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, 2929-2941.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2002a) Tree-ring width and density data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 1, local and regional climate signals. The Holocene 12, 737-757.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Schweingruber FH, Jones PD, Shiyatov SG and Vaganov EA (2002b) Tree-ring width and density data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 2, spatio-temporal variability and associated climate patterns. The Holocene 12, 759-789.
Briffa KR, Osborn TJ and Schweingruber FH (2004) Large-scale temperature inferences from tree rings: a review. Global and planetary change 40, 11-26.
Rutherford SD, Mann ME, Osborn TJ, Bradley RS, Briffa KR, Hughes MK and Jones PD (2005) Proxy-based Northern Hemisphere surface temperature reconstructions: sensitivity to method, predictor network, target season and target domain. Journal of Climate 18, 2308-2329.


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Please use the attribution Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia

Updated: Feb 2006