Datasets/Regional Climatologies/South Asia

Datasets/Regional Climatologies/South Asia

This region is defined by 5° to 38°N and by 50° to 110°E. These climatologies were constructed by C.Mohile from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune, India, during his four month secondment to the Climatic Research Unit funded by the British Council during the period July to October 1994. At present fields exist for TMP, TMX, TMN, PRE and RD0 and at three elevations LO, MN and HI. The raw station data which was used in the interpolation was a combination of 1961-90 data already held by CRU for non-Indian countries and station normals for India constructed by Mohile from original time series data supplied by the IITM. The reliability of the climatology should, in principle, be greatest over India itself. A total of 5,014 0.5° latitude/longitude land cells exist for the region. The mean elevation climatologies for TMP, TMX, TMN and PRE are presently loaded in SCENGEN.

No independent documentation yet exists for this climatology. This work has been funded by the British Council.