About CRU TS code archives Since version 4.03, all update runs for CRU TS - whether updating the databases or updating the dataset itself - produce a compressed archive of the programs and other files needed to reconstruct the run. Not included are reference datasets, though these should all be available online. Archives of database update runs end with 'updatedbs.tar.gz', and archives of dataset update runs end with 'updatedat.tar.gz'. To reconstruct a run, first ensure your system can compile the Fortran programs needed. You may have to edit the script compile_all_newgrid, which must be run to ensure everything is compiled correctly. Pay attention to your NetCDF installation, as its location must be referenced correctly in the compile line for makegrids. Please contact me if you have any difficulties, and I'll TRY to help. Ian 'Harry' Harris i.harris@uea.ac.uk